Kang Yeosang: I Don't Deserve You

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"Oh h-hey Sangie..." You tried your best to hold back your sniffles. He was at work and you weren't expecting his call so you tried holding it in to not worry him.

"___? Baby are you okay? What's wrong?" Crap. The worry in his voice increased with every word he said.

You cleared your throat before reassuring him "I'm fine Yeosang, really. How's work?"

For a second he said nothing, not sure whether to buy your excuse. "I was calling to ask what you wanted for dinner, I'm almost done here" You heard a few papers shuffling on his side.

"Whatever you want is fine babe" He was taken aback by your tone, you were always the type to dictate what you wanted, it's not common of you to just go with whatever he wanted. He liked the way you dared him, he had met his match, and hearing you be like 'whatever' showed him something was wrong.

"Uh okay then... I'll be home soon. Are you sure nothing's wrong?" He asked once again giving you a chance to tell him the truth, but you just sighed and replied again with a simple 'I'm fine'.

After hanging up, you wrapped yourself tighter in blankets. You were curled up on the couch, surrounded by tissues, your eyes puffy and red from crying. You took a deep breath in, your mind too tired to do anything other than space out staring at the wall.

It should take Yeosang a little less than an hour to get home, but now he was worried, he knew something was wrong. He bursted through the door in little over 20 minutes.

He didn't even care where his things landed, the second his eyes landed on you everything went flying and he ran to hold you.

"___ don't lie to me, what's wrong?" He took your face in his hands, trying to get you to look him in the eye, the only way he'd be sure you were being honest.

The seconds you were silent trying to find the right words felt like hours, each one that passed Yeosang was imagining all the worst case scenarios.

'Is she sick? Did I do something wrong? Did someone hurt her? Did someone die? Did she cheat?' All of these questions playing on a loop in his brain. He braced himself to hear the worst once you finally opened up your mouth.

"I'm not enough for you..." Tears threatened to fall once again when you finally looked up to meet his gaze.

He was confused to say the least. He thought the world of you, and didn't understand where this was all coming from.

"W-What do you mean baby?" His thoughts were going a mile a second. He pulled you closer, as much as he wanted to know what was going on, he couldn't stand seeing your sad face.

"I don't deserve you Yeosang... You need someone with an actually good personality... Prettier... Someone who can make you the happiest guy on the planet..." You said slowly, still struggling to keep your composure, as you pulled his hands away from your face.

You looked down at your hands, you didn't have the guts to face him. That is, until you heard him sniffle, and your heart broke in a million pieces, you felt like dying for hurting him. You turned to him, his eyes tearing up, but a sad smile remained on his lips.

He wiped some of them away before putting his arms around you as he laughed softly. "___, you already make me the happiest guy to have ever lived" He whispered before placing a kiss on the top of your head.

"You're just saying that..." You snuggled up closer to his chest, as much as you wanted to let go, his energy always made you want to be even closer.

"I'm really not, I don't know where all this bullsh*t is coming from, but you are more than enough for me baby, I'm the one who doesn't deserve you" You felt his embrace get tighter. "Like come on, have you seen yourself?!" He finished off with a giggle as he squeezed your cheeks, knowing there was no way you could resist his cuteness.

He might have a cold and sarcastic exterior most of the time, but these moments when he'd let his guard down and would do anything to see you happy would always melt your heart. With that in mind, you quickly shook the bad thoughts out of your head and looked up to him to give him a well deserved kiss.

"Thank you Sangie... For everything" That big smile you loved appeared on his face.

"Stop it you cry baby" He chuckled, making you laugh in the process. "Where did all that come from by the way?" He asked with furrowed eyebrows.

You stopped to think for a second, but you couldn't put your finger on it. "I'm not sure, I was watching a movie and I just got sad and I missed you..." You confessed ashamed by your sudden mood change.

He took it all in, connecting the dots in his head before his very much confused look changed into a shocked one. "Um... Baby?" You hummed in response waiting to hear what had him so startled. "You... Um... You did get your period this month... right?" He asked shyly, hoping he wasn't crossing a line.

Then it all made sense. The mood swings, the constant need for attention and cuddles, the obsession with ice cream... You thought you were going crazy. Your eyes went wide and you placed a hand over your mouth to stop you from screaming. Yeosang noticed your panic coming on, and he had his answer.

"I'll go get a test to make sure okay?" He wasn't scared, he knew you'd probably freak out, but he wasn't opposed to becoming a family. A smile crept onto his face at the thought of you bringing a mini human into his life.

a bit angst never hurt nobody

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