Chapter 8

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I French braided my hair- wore jeggings and a loose long white jumper. I made my way to their dorm, they had the whole floor to themselves. Which was pretty fracking awesome and convenient for them might I add.

I knocked on the door and Taehyung opened the door, he was still in his pyjamas by the looks of it. He wore knee length shorts and a white tank top. Gosh he had perfect legs ;-; it was literally unfair.
Come to think of it... this was also the first time I had seen his arms, I mean he had never been sleeveless on camera. I felt like he was naked.
His arms were smooth and had a golden tint to them, they sort of shined- SO SOFT.
He took one look at me and yelled inside "GUYS SHE'S HEREEEEEEE" before saying "Hello, I like your hair"
I smiled at him and thanked him, he gestured for me to walk in- as I brushed past, Taehyung whispered- "Can we braid each other's hair later". I burst laughing then I nodded in agreement.
This was the new BTS dorm. Their dorm was much bigger than their initial one, there were three bedrooms: Taehyung, Jimin and Jungkook shared the room furthest from the living room, Namjoon and Yoongi shared the middle room and Jin and Hosoek shared the room closest. It makes sense, Jin should be closest to the kitchen- being the mother and all haha.
Namjoon, Jin, Yoongi and Hosoek were gathered in the living room.
Clearly Taehyung hadn't yelled loud enough, as moments later a shirtless Jungkook walked into the living room. At first he didn't notice me, he just stood there and worked on moistening his mouth and opening his eyes.

The maknae was really tired, and so. Cute. When he noticed me his eyes instantly widened and his pale face went bright red, he covered his chest in the hopes of saving his dignity and ran back to his room.
All of his hyungs laughed at him, I joined in. "Good morning everyone, we're supposed to be discussing our class schedules today?"
They mostly nodded and then stared at me. GAH I feel naked again. I fiddled with the bottom of my jumper as I waited for someone to speak up.
Hosoek was the first to speak "It is aull up tu uss right?" His ENGRISH WAS SO FUNNY, but I contained my laughter. I have to be professional about this. With the straightest face possible I asked the boys "so what type of schedule would you prefer exactly?" I looked at them one by one as they were discussing:
Hosoek "I think when it's late maybe? After dinner?"
Jin "I don't really mind but I can't do it if it's too late... it'll interfere with my beauty sleep."
My eyes met Yoongi's before he gave his input on the matter, "For me it's okay whenever but I'm too tired after practice".
Taehyung said he was okay with whatever since he was always hyper.

Namjoon spoke "We haven't asked Jungook and Jimin yet."
I gave a nervous laugh and replied "By the looks of it, everyone wants their lessons at different times, I don't think asking them would affect much. It's a 24/7 job afterall, you guys can just let me know beforehand whenever you feel like stopping by? No actual schedule? Just a rough guideline for each of you will do."
Everyone seemed content with my idea.

"YAA JUNGOOOK YOU CAN COME OUT NOW SHE'S GONE" Taehyung yelled. Jungkook slowly walked out, wearing a shirt this time- this time when he realised I was present he didn't run. He clenched his jaw and swallowed his saliva before saying "Ha....uuuh... sorry about earlier... GOOD MORNING". His extent of awkwardness made his hyungs laugh again.
"Guys, where is Jimin?" I asked, trying to look as composed as possible.
They all shrugged then Jin spoke "he might still be at the gym downstairs". I made an "o" with my mouth and nodded. "Is that all we need to discuss then? I need to get going"
"Whyyy?" Yoongie and Taehyung said in sync, they looked at each other and laughed. "Noona! When can I braid your hair?? When can you braid my hair!!? Don't run awayy" I burst out laughing. AT WHAT POINT DID I BECOME OLDER. "Noona? Really? DO I LOOK THAT OLD? If anything, I'd have to call you oppa. I'm younger And I'm not running away. I need to speak to Sariah."
Namjoon looked up, "Who's that?"
"A really close friend of mine, I was living with her until now" I looked calm but deep inside I was squealing... SARIAH SENPAI NOTICED YOU. I was so happy for them, when is the wedding? Is it a girl or boy? Name him David.
I bid farewell and made my way to my apartment.

I was EXTRA careful and quiet as I walked past the gym door- if Jimin was in there, it was best if I didn't bump into him. I think I've "bumped" into him enough times already, I wasn't able to sleep for days after I bumped into him on my interview day.

I was going to severely struggle after what happened outside the gym.

I heard footsteps in the gym so I bolted to my door and tried to get the key in. It was stuck, I just stood there struggling. The gym door finally opened and I increased the power between the key and the lock. I looked to see that it was Jimin, he saw me and stared. I began to violently turn and jerk the key and door handle. My whole body was also violently twisting and convulsing as I began to panic, Jimin started walking towards me. He was getting closer and closer when- YES
THE DOOR OPENED. I ran in and slammed it shut. Instantly locking it.
Nope I couldn't face him nope.
But I was going to have to... I mean I wanted to, but he seemed bothered by me I guess and I just couldn't stand his presence. It was TOO DAMN overwhelming.

I jumped at the BURLUUP sound from my phone, I got a text message from Lisa:

DUDE HEY HI. I can't wait to see you again! just under a month left! I missed you man, and is it true that you're working with.. YOU KNOW WHO? and yes I'd be happy to move in with your old roommate, I needed a place to crash anyway. Call me soon, love you.

I skyped Sariah and told her about when Lisa would arrive, we agreed that Sariah would sleepover here a few days a week until Lisa arrived. Oh I forgot to tell her about Namjoon being curious about her, oh well I'll tell her later.

I wondered who would be the first one to actually schedule a lesson... I was ridiculously nervous. Teaching a class and teaching Bangtan were two VERY different things.

My English lessons were going to be like channel 4 on demand hahahaa- *weeps* what if they came really early in the morning? IM NOT A MORNING PERSON.

At 3pm, I jumped the sound of a heavy knock on the door.
I stared at the door and my heart began to race.
They knocked again. I forced myself to slowly shuffle towards the door.


I DIDNT EVEN WANT THIS CHAPTER TO GO LIKE THIS OH WELL. It just happened ok ;-; thank you for reading, I apologise for any mistakes- it's really late and I don't want to proof read right now. Please don't forget to vote if you like the story
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