Chapter 24

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A/N hey guys, sorry for taking so long, life is difficult, love you all, thanks for reading!
Here's my IG @sena0zturk let's be friends! (I sound like such a dork)  I want to see my readers and find out what kind of people they are ^^ hope you enjoy this chapter

After having a whole day to myself, to rest and think things through, I've come to the conclusion that I HAVE NO FUCKING IDEA WHAT EVEN.
Basically, my emotions are a mess and I'm a mess.
I really really really like him...
But it just won't work out. I know it.
I just know in the bottom of my heart that even if this feeling were mutual- we wouldn't work out.
I'm not Korean, he's not Muslim.
I'm just an average weirdo- he's an idol.
You know?

I prepared my breakfast and sat down infront of the screen.
I have a couple hours before Jungkook arrives with Sungra and her sister.


They should arrive in about 10 minutes and I'm really nervous- which doesn't make sense because Jungkook is the one meeting up with his crush, not me. My hands are already clammy...

I opened the door to see Jungkook accompanied by two girls, both of average height, one girl, had long wavy brown hair with what seemed like grey and honey undertones to it and hazel eyes... She looked... Not Korean? She was pale as she had surprisingly full lips for an Asian girl?
And the younger-looking one- slightly shorter than the first girl, Sungra I presume, had straight black hair and a full fringe, with light brown- almost honey-like eyes, her pale face instantly came to life as she blushed. I've been staring, of course she feels uncomfortable.
I continued staring, desperately trying to make a link between the two stunning girls.
They were both small and both beautiful, but that's about all they had in common, face shape, nose shape... Everything was different.

"So, Noona, this is Sungra, and this is her sister, Hana. Girls, this is my favourite teacher, Sena" He spoke up as he gestured towards the nervous girls.
Hana had a loud aura but she seemed extremely quiet, it was as if she were a reactive noble gas.
Sungra however, seemed like a group 1 element that reacts internally, so she only appears to be calm but in her head she may be having a breakdown.

"Hey, nice to meet you Sena." Hana spoke up, her voice wasn't deep but it had a soothing element to it which I couldn't explain. She'd be a good singer, definitely.

"Hi, thanks for letting us come here~" the little one said with a much more feminine and high pitched voice- contrasting with Hana's like sharp edges.

"Come, let's sit, anyone want anything to drink? Hana, come help me please, if you don't mind?"

Jungkook and Sungra awkwardly sat on the sofa, leaving a small gap between eachother, I saw them sneak a smile at eachother, before walking into the kitchen with Hana.

I started the kettle and prepared the necessary things, you know what they are, mugs, spoons, sugar...

"So... Uh Hana, if you don't mind me asking... Why do you look so different to your sister? And so... Un-Asian? I mean you have the single eyelid and the short height but..."
I awkwardly asked, she looked at me a lightly laughed.

"Chill, you don't need to tiptoe around the topic, I'm adopted, and I'm only half Korean, that's why." She calmly explained to me.
"OH THAT MAKES SO MUCH SENSE." I exclaimed a tad bit too loud.

"So, what do you think they're talking about?" I whispered as I leaned in towards her; and happened to catch a whiff of her hair- she smelt wonderful.

"Idk, school? Cats?" She suggested.

I brought in mugs of tea and coffee, we all sat facing eachother and discussed trivial things such as the weather, why we need opposable thumbs and things we enjoy eating.
During my pleasant exchange with the three youngsters, I discovered that Hana isn't a youngster at all and is actually only 2 weeks younger than I. And that she works in the music industry, she helps produce songs with/for idols, which I think is pretty awesome.
Sungra tells me Hana can sing and is, and I quote "pretty good at dancing and although she wouldn't be the main dancer, she would be able to keep up pretty well, my eonnie is the best ^^".

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