Chapter 51

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The two walked along the dark streets of Seoul, hand in hand.

By then, Sena's cheeks were already aching from excessive smiling, she couldn't contain the joy that she felt.

Jimin inhaled the cool air and continued showing the way, "I thought about this a lot and it was so hard to decide where to go..." he nervously cleared his throat.
"Just tell me where we're going!" she pleaded, tugging on the hand holding her's. Jimin shook his head 'no' with a smug look on his face.

The couple continued walking, all the way to the end of Nonhyeon, and into Sinsadong. It was a long walk, but neither of them minded it, especially not Sena- she just still couldn't grasp the concept of actually being with Park Jimin in real life, plus she wore flats so walking wasn't an issue. The best way to explain Sena and Jimin's relationship is through those 'filler' scenes in romantic comedies, where they skip the dialogue and a montage begins to play with a beautiful acoustic song in the back ground.

Because at the end of the day, conversations get lost in our past, but the emotions accompanying the conversation live on; and that's how most walks and talks were like for them. This didn't mean that they forgot key information they revealed to one another, it just meant that they spent a lot of time speaking of this and that- just enjoying one another's company.

So please try to understand what I, the narrator am about to tell you;

cue montage of laughter, dark streets, hand holding, and gazing, with a cliché acoustic song in the background. Because that night especially, their interactions were that of a sappy love story buried deep somewhere; perhaps in the depths of the internet.

Eventually, they came to a halt near Hannam bridge, Jimin turned to the eager girl and held her by the shoulders, "Okay, so this is it." He turned her to face the river, squeezing one eye shut and scrunching his face; worried that she wouldn't be happy.

What Sena had turned to see was a beautiful panorama of bright city lights reflected on the almost pitch black water; the flow of water making the reflection of those little bright lights dance on its surface.
Afloat on the water awaited a dainty cruise ship, decorated with flowers, ribbons, and little lights that just looked like blurs to Sena.

She opened her mouth to speak but nothing came out.
Jimin nudged her, "So? Is this okay?" He asked.
She let out a semi-cough-semi-laugh before finally spitting out a jumble of words, "Is this- are you- are we having dinner on a cruise- on the river? On a river cruise?", Relieved to see the excited expression on his girlfriend's face, he sighed and proudly nodded.

Sena squealed. She began hopping up and down up and down up and down- while tightly holding onto Jimin.
"IS THIS FOR REAL OH MY GOD-" she grinned and hugged him tight, forcing the poor boy to sway along with her.
Jimin burst out in laughter as he hugged her back, 'I should surprise her more often' he thought to himself as he held her tight, feeling the warmth of her body against his.

Jimin often thought of a number of things when he held her tight;
Things like 'I like holding her', 'She's warm'
'She makes me feel comfortable', 'She's soft', 'I want to hold her forever', 'I love her' and 'omgomg I'm touching her' among many other things.


They sat parallel to each other, on a cute round table at the edge of the deck; near the back, away from everyone else.
On the table was a small vase with on single flower in it, a pink tulip, and a white candle- already lit and flickering about in the light breeze.

Orders had already been placed, the 'What should I eat?' Discussion was done and dusted.

"Okay I need a pass for tonight." Jimin broke the comfortable silence between them.
"For?..." Sena furrowed her brows.
"You need to give me a sappy pass- a cheesy pass-" he paused and ruffled his hair, making a light 'agh' sound out of embarrassment.
"Jimin you're sappy always, proceed as usual." She teased as she sipped on her free water.

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