Chapter 17

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I tried to finish helping out as soon as possible, of course, while trying to avoid bumping into Jimin.

When I got back home, I showed pictures from my phone of some of the drawings in my sketchbook to Lisa and I told her everything that had happened.
"WHAT?! He knows?.....That must have been so awkward... and he fell onto you?.... Haha. Yeah right.... 'fell'."

Just recollecting what had happened, resulted in me being caught between screaming, crying and laughing hysterically- to my dismay, school didn't teach me how to cope with the excess of these feels. So I just sort of resort to making inhuman sounds and freaking out while flailing my arms.

I honestly did not know how I was going to even talk to Jimin again. He knew I was crazy about him now. UGH.

I hate him ugh

I felt a rhythmic vibration on my left butt cheek,
It was a message from Yoongi:

"Hey teach :), when I get back from my schedule, can I stop by?"

YAAAAAY Yoooooongiiiiii of course you can. C'mere you piece of beautiful NAMJA- is what I'd love to say.....
Instead, I replied:
"Sure, just let me know when."
I took a shower because NEWS FLASH cleaning makes you sweat. A lot.
7 boys make a huge mess ok.

So it looks like Sariah and Namjoon are going out for dinner together and Taehyung sorta invited himself too, then he invited Lisa.
Double date, EY?
Lisa is so screwed. I say 4 hours before she holds up a close to normal conversation with Taehyungie.
I mean, you can't blame her, he has smooth milky skin, an adorable rectangle smile, soft hair, intense eyes and beautiful hands.
The only reason that I can talk to him is because I'm obliged to internalise all my fangirling in order to seem more "professional".



"I know you want to go." She was always so stubborn.
"look, it'll be fine I promise, just talk to Sariah if you get nervous."

Lisa scrunched up her face, " I mean I want to but... I don't know, it's just... I'm not very good at this."
I smiled and hugged her. Stroking her hair, causing her to roll her eyes then laugh.

Sariah came back from work and got ready with Lisa, Namjoon and Taehyung came not too long after to pick them up.

Upon arrival, the first thing Taehyung did was poke Lisa's hair, he seemed intrigued by how soft and fluffy it looked. Lisa, being Lisa, almost choked. I'm pretty sure that she just forgot to breathe.

I guess you could say Namjoon and Sariah were dating now? I hadn't seen them kiss... but they hugged eachother when they greeted... AND ITS NOT JUST A NORMAL HUG ITS LIKE A LONG HUG.
I was jealous of their relationship.

Namjoon and Sariah both turned around and, freakishly in sync, asked me "Are you sure you can't come?"
They both turned and looked at eachother, bursting out in laughter.
"Hahaha wow you guys are so close that you've practically merged into one person! And, sorry guys, I can't, I promised to meet Yoongi."
They sadly nodded and left.
I was just about to close the door when it was pushed back open.
"Hellooooo Teacher!" Yoongi sang as he stepped in.

He had such a bright smile, I couldn't help but smile myself.
"How have you been? Long time no see! I missed you :)" Yoongi asked, smiling brightly. He really is like Sugar- pale and sweet.

We spoke a little about everything really; the weather, his schedule, an upcoming tour, Jin's cooking and Yoongi's struggle to sleep with Namjoon's snoring.

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