Chapter 29

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I stretched out my arms and legs as I opened my eyes and let out a small squeal.
I twisted around and squealed again.
If it doesn't look like an exorcism; you're not stretching right.
Good morning to meeeee.
My heart skipped a little as I remembered that I was in fact cuffed to Jimin- and, was asleep beside him.
I turned to see Jimin blissfully sleeping in a foetal position. He looked absolutely adorable.
I poked his cheek and whispered "Wakey wakey..." But he didn't even flinch.
I stared at his soft skin, imagining what it would be like to run my finger along his features- come to think of it, Jimin was right, I do stare at his face whenever he falls asleep in my apartment... I mean, who wouldn't? He looks so angelic- so Ethereal.
He looked so peaceful and beautiful- but I noticed that his eyes were a little puffy... Looked like he couldn't sleep very well.

Sorry, but he has to woken up, we have things to do.
"Jimin. JIMIN."
"HmM?." He replied- well, groaned.
"It's time to get up. We have a lot of evil to do today!" I said excitedly as I 'bopped' the tip of his nose with my index finger.
His eyes fluttered open and he softly smiled, "Okay. But let's order breakfast in, I can't be bothered to go through the hassle of trying to prepare something. Let's order McDonalds."
"Oki, do it soon, I'm starving. Hey, You know they didn't have McDonalds delivery back in England? It was terrible." I chuckled.
He raid his eyebrows and nodded in agreement with my comment.

"Sena~" Jimin sang.
Great, the day just began and I'm already too uneasy function.
"Yes, Jimin?" I stuttered.
"You know you were practically glued to me last night." He smirked.
"No I wasn't." I said in a high pitched tone.
"Yes you were." He insisted with a grin plastered across his face.
"Absolutely was not. I think I know what I did. Do you have proof? Any witnesses? I don't think so." I committed to my lie so hard that I believed it too.

He stopped grinning.
He turned away for a moment, "...Well... I guess you could call this proof."
"...Well, then I don't recall." I was stuck, worried.
He turned back to me holding his phone out.
"YOU TOOK A PHOTO?" I yelled at him, scrambling for his phone.
"Gimme!" I reached for it, but he kept moving his arm away.
"Jimin delete that!" I ordered.
"No, I'm going to keep it. Don't worry no one will see, and I already sent you the photo too. It can be our photo ^^ the only photo in the world that only the two of us get to see." He said smiling goofily.
I let out a strange noise out of frustration.
"This is unfair, you have so much leverage on me and I have nothing on you." I rolled my eyes.
"Yup, and let's keep it that way." He grinned, getting up- forcing me to follow.
Being cuffed is difficult.

Our breakfast arrived and we attempted to accept it in the most "non-strange" way possible, Jimin tried to hide behind the door as I paid for and accepted the food. The delivery boy was young, well, early 20s I guess. He had dark brown hair and round eyes, he had a unique charm.
"All this for you?" He asked.
"Yup." I said, popping my lips at the 'P'.
"That's... A lot of food for one girl." He laughed.
"Yeah, well I guess I'm really hungry today." I nervously laughed.
"Haha okay, enjoy, tell me if you need anything else, okay?" He winked.
"Noooo I'm fine, thanks." I said in a high pitched tone (think Amanda Bynes in She's the man).
I quickly closed the door shut.
I turned to see Jimin with a huge fake smile, "That was pleasant." He sarcastically said, grabbing the bags from me and walking towards one of the desks.
I laughed at him, "Why? What's wrong? You jealous because he's tall?"
"Pshhht, why would I be jealous? I'm 'bloody amazing', I can get people pregnant just by staring at them..." He smirked.
Wait. Oh no. He did not.
"-Yep, that's right. I found your old wattpad." He widely smiled.
"What's wattpad?..." I asked
"Sounds uh InTereSTing..." I tensed my face. Shit shit shit shit.
"Sena, what else are you hiding, I mean I thought the fan fiction was cute but dude you also stole my underwear so..." He moved his hands up and down as if they were scales.
"Uhhhh.... Nothing, I'm hiding nothing." I nervously said as I stuffed my chicken burger into my face and pressed play on Netflix.
My hands were clammy and I was shaking, he read those two atrocious stories omgomgomgo go go,gogm GUYS I CANT
I started choking on my food, "are you ok?" He asked, handing me my drink.
"YE- *choke* I'm fine... It's all *cough* good" I managed to wheeze out.

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