Chapter 26

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My eyes met Jimin's, he looked extremely uncomfortable and confused. This couldn't have been his idea. We stared at each other for a moment, not saying a single word, his face clearly indicating panic- which, he had failed to mask, we finally- and in sync, turned to the others and attempted to figure out who's ridiculous plan this was.
I could swear my vision went blurry for a second or something.
Who's idea was this? I'm going to drag them through a field of broken glass and drop them into a pool full of salt water and lemon juice.
As a natural reflex to the frustration I attempted to crack my knuckles, only to find that my left hand was severely anchored down by Jimin's arm. I awkwardly put both of my hands down and tried to act like nothing happened.

Jimin took a deep breath before starting his "rage stage".
"What... WHATS GOING ON? WHO'S IDEA WAS THIS!... Give me the key. Now." He demanded, his eyes dark, searching everyone- racing back and forth between them.
Of course! He can't wait to be away from me!

I noticed that the both of us were keeping our cuffed hand as far as possible from the other's as humanly possible, our hands weren't even touching.
There was an eery silence, followed by a few of the members shuffling around.
Namjoon stepped forward, an almost-constipated expression on his face, he spoke up, his voice slightly shaking, "Guys... A few of us came to the conclusion that this was for the best."

"For the best?! Uncuff us, now. Where's the key?" Jimin said with a disappointed look on his face, "Really Namjoon hyung? I wouldn't expect this kind of behaviour from you.".
Now, Jungkook had stepped forward and was standing next to Namjoon, "Don't blame him Jimin hyung, I was in on it too." He calmly said, not even seeming remorseful at the slightest.

"Wow... You too? Kookie?...Hand me the key and I won't whoop your ass." He said, half serious, half joking.

I remained silent, patiently watching.

"We won't hand over the key until you two make up." Added Hosoek.
Jimin's eyes widened and travelled over to Hosoek, he opened his mouth to speak but Hana interrupted, "Please, don't get mad at them. It was my idea." She had an apologetic smile, but it seemed like to me that she didn't at all regret her decision.
Now Jimin seemed less angry, he paused for a moment before speaking, "Guys, I have practice. You need to hand over the key. I can't even leave the building with her glued to me like this!"
Her? Wow.

"Actually, you're sick, well that's what manager-nim thinks..." Taehyung added.

Jimin scoffed before reaching for an unopened can of Pepsi. Just as he was about to open it- using my free arm- I whacked the can out of his tiny hand, the can flying into the air and crashing into the wall; full throttle.
He turned to me, annoyed, "WHAT NOW?" I jerked back from the shock of Jimin yelling at me, I fully composed myself instantly and stared at him as you would someone who just did something really stupid and socially unacceptable- perhaps like when someone makes a horrible pun or a mean remark in hopes of being funny but no one laughs, not even your best friend- anyway, you get the idea.
"Are you stupid? I don't want you to PEE." I yelled as I vigorously shook our linked hands in front of his dumb face.
The cuffs making a clinking noise.

No way in hell I'm peeing with him cuffed to me. No. Screw that. NOPE.

Jimin, eventually understood what I was referring to, his face dropped and he immediately pushed away any food or drink that was in our metre radius. He looked nervous, probably thinking something along the lines of 'damn I wish I took a dump earlier on.' Aish, imagine that- having to empty out your bladder in the presence of your bias and vice versa.
This is going to be so difficult, I drink water too much. I mean, I'm someone who will wake up in the middle of the night to drink water or pee. I'm always thirsty-

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