Chapter 37

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Now, I had no idea what I was going to say nor do when we met up.
I just wanted to see him, I wanted him to reassure me and tell me things like "Don't worry." And "It'll be okay." Because the fans were noticing that I was around BTS a lot, and soon they'll start noticing that I'm around Jimin a lot, and soon the company will notice it too.

I didn't want to be fired, but I didn't want to be away from Jimin either.

Unfortunately, however, being with him could risk me being fired which would probably cancel my working Visa and I could end up away from him by being with him.

I read over the message again-

Sure, I'll be there soon.

I sighed a little as I leaned over the railings- on the edge of the terrace.

Looking down, imagining how it would feel to fall.

Imagining how it would feel to go SPLAT on the ground.

It's something I think of often, not because I'm suicidal or anything- but because if I did know how it felt, I know it would probably be the LAST thing I ever felt.

(I.e I'd be dead.)

"Helloooooooooo!" Jimin's voice sweetly sang from behind me.
I turned to find him, goofily smiling. His hair was mildly wet- recently washed and his breath was minty- recently brushed.

I lazily smiled back.

"Hey sweetie." I hugged him.

"What's up?"

"Nothing." I lied even though I knew he could tell I was lying.

He exhaled heavy before speaking, "Hey... What's up?" He asked, concerned, as he made his way to the railing and leaned on it.

We continue speaking as we both enjoyed the view.

"I'm worried, that's all."


"Everything could easily get ruined and I could easily get sent back to England if I'm fired." I blurted.

"If you get fired from this job you can just find another job in another school." He said, trying to sound optimistic.

"Right, as if they'd let me in if I were a part of a scandal." I rolled my eyes.

"Well..." He paused for a moment to think.

I glanced at him. Suddenly he smiled-

"You can work in my dad's restaurant! It's about time you met my parents anyway!" He said enthusiastically.

I laughed at him, "Don't be ridiculous."

"No. I'm serious. Worst case scenario, you can work with my father." He reassured me as he put his arm around me and pulled me in.

I rested my head on his shoulder and continued looking at the concrete maze of a city beneath us.

"Don't worry. It'll be okay." He reassured me.

With those 5 words I felt a rush of relief- even though I didn't quite believe him.


I wanted to reassure her.

And even though I didn't believe what I told her, saying it out loud helped me believe it a little.

There was one thing for sure that I knew I believed-

That I was going to fight for her, I was going to hold her close and hold her tight- do everything I can so that one day, we could both be in our 80s, living in a big countryside house sitting on those rocking chairs on the porch talking reminiscing and laughing as our grandchildren played in the garden.

Teaching Bangtan [JM]حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن