Chapter 41

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HELLO EVERYONE BEFORE THE CHAPTER IMMA TAKE PART IN MY FIRST EVER TAG (I've been tagged before but I'm a terrible person I either forget or just don't have the energy.... ^^;


Tagged by ThatOneCootFruit 💜💜💜

^Thats the actual photo I took a screenshot of

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^Thats the actual photo I took a screenshot of

Okay, Les go.
(I realise it's not 10 separate facts, it's the name of the list, I'm jus following Stacey y'all)
1. I just bleached a streak in my hair yesterday because I wanna do something to my hair but I love it too much to commit to a lot of dye (now I feel like Rogue from Xmen)
2. May or may not have hit my head but there's a bump that HURTS
3. I get tummy aches when I'm cold.
4. I've never had alcohol in my life.
5. Being Turkish, I've had Shisha before.
6. Rn I'm addicted to Mystic messenger, I recommend it if you're a lonely loser like me (YOOSUNG route rn like).
7. I started this fanfic because I wanted a world that I could imagine myself being with BTS in, because when I can't sleep I gotta imagine stories, and well imagining this one is so fun because there's so much going on...
8. My ear is itching rn brb
9. Back
10. I'm too scared to proof read my early chapters because I cringe so hard.

1. Nickname? Sens? Sensae? I mean at one point I was Senaroni, and then SNEA (typo of my name), then Sneaba.
Ermmmm I think that's all?
2. My eyes are like

 My eyes are like

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Idk wtf that is
3. My hair is light brown and it naturally gets lighter in the summer so it's naturally got bits that are lighter
4. I wanna be a drag queen but I can't because vagina (wop wop Ru Paul)
5. Purple but it's doesn't suit me so sometimes I say Blue.
6. My bedroom I guess, and sorta the stairways for our science building because IDFK why but it smells like my childhood.
7. BTS DUH. Fave American would be Jennifer Garner or Jennifer Lawrence, I also freaking love Chris Evans and Hugh Jackman...
8. Cats? Otters? Cats.
9. Idk all time but atm anything DEAN
10. Picture Perfect by Jodi Picoult

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