Chapter 35

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I forced myself to continue walking as though I was okay, as though I hadn't just had one of the biggest electric shocks in my life.

'Left foot, right foot, left foot, right foot... Walk normal dammit.
She can see you. Left, right, left right...'

I counted in my head.

'Don't forget to swing your arms too.'

I thought to myself.

I reached my room door.
I blankly stared at the door-
Slowly I lifted my hand, and then slowly I touched my unsteady hand to my cheek.
She kissed me.
I ran my finger over my cheek, 'this spot- right here, her lips touched me here, she kissed my cheek right here' I said in my head.

Is this how she felt every time I gave her a peck?
Wow. I'm such a terrible person.
I never knew something so simple, so small, could have such a huge impact.

After I had entered my room, I scanned the area for Tae and Jungkook. The lights were still on, and music was quietly playing from the stereo. I couldn't really recognise the song or hear anything clearly, I could still here the blood rush in my ears.
I shut the door and listened more carefully, Dean's Half-moon was playing.

I took a deep breath before walking through the hallway and into the bedroom.
Jungkook was laying on the bed in his vest and pyjama bottoms, Taehyung was comfortably scrunched up on the sofa.
"Jimin-ah what were you doing?" Tae asked as he looked up from his phone.
"N-nothing I was-" he cut me off.
"You look a little red... You look very red. Are you ill?" He said, eyes wide, mouth hanging open- waiting for me to answer.
"Uhhhh yeah. *cough cough* I'm sick..." I lied, trying my best to act the part.
Jungkook turned his face to look up at me from the bed.
"Yeah you don't look too good Hyung, you need anything?" The maknae said with sparks of concern in his eyes.
"Yeah man, it's cool, thanks. I'll just wash my face to cool off, I'll be fine." I walked towards the bathroom.

Upon arriving in the bathroom and actually looking in the mirror, I paused, scoffed and thought to myself-

'Wow, what a sexy beast. Rawr.
No way she could've resisted me, like LOOK AT ME. Of course she couldn't resist giving me a peck.'

I leaned in closer and examined my cheeks.
They weren't that red, but I had to admit I didn't look normal.
I zoomed in further on my left cheek, carefully examined it.
As if there would be some sort of mark or proof that her lips had touched it.

Hoping that there was some kind of proof that she had, so I knew for sure it was real.

I pulled my phone out and swiped to unlock it, just as I was about to message her, Tae's voice called out-
"Jimin! If you aren't feeling to well, do you want me to call the manager? Maybe tomorrow's schedule can be cut shorter for you."
I walked out of the bathroom,
"No, I'm sure I'll be fine, I just need to rest a little tonight."

I softly smiled to myself as the exhausting and nerve racking burning sensation continued lingering around every inch of my body, 'if I could rest tonight' i thought to myself, I didn't know how or why- but my body was still in shock.

Maybe it was a good thing I didn't kiss her.


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