Chapter 46

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"J-Jimin..." the now ghostly pale boy stuttered, his eyelids drooping down as he gathered his thoughts. Jimin stared back at him, eager to find out what could have Yoongi in such a catastrophic state.

"Hyung? What is it? Tell me!" He yelled, shaking him by the shoulders; yet the boy who stood before him remained unresponsive.

His eyes had gone dark, dull, and distant. It was as if he wasn't fully there.

He was physically there.
But Min Yoongi's mind was far from home.

By then, Jimin was sweating, nervous about the news to come.
Regardless of whether or not he knew what he was about to hear, regardless of how likely it was to hurt him- he urged Yoongi once more.

"Tell me. Is it-" he stopped, imagining the worst, his voice wavered.

He couldn't bear to vocalise what he was imagining. As if not speaking it would make it less true.

Yoongi regained his focus then sharply exhaled out of his nose and closed his eyes; his best attempt to regain his composure.

"The plane- it's on the news. Jimin, the plane. It's on the news." He quietly muttered, eyes rushing to look anywhere other than into Jimin's.

"What?" He curled his hands into fists and examined Yoongi once more, trying to confirm that he had heard correctly.
Jimin's vacant eyes drifted to the phone in his hand.

He slowly reached for the phone and took it out of Yoongi's unmoving body; which seemed to get more spectral by the second.
Jimin's breathing slowly began to pick up pace as he turned the screen towards himself.

He looked at the screen. Three words.

Three words caught his eye; three words that were enough for him to understand what had happened.


That was when he stopped breathing, he stopped moving.

Jimin's body had shut down.

He stood, frozen, not noticing that Yoongi was now on the floor, head in his hands- silently sobbing.

A series of light footsteps from the kitchen were followed by a voice, "What's going on? Is everything okay? What happened? Why is Yoongi-" Hoseok proceeded to walk towards the two, noticing Jimin's state, he averted his attention to him.

"Jimin, why are you like this?" His question was met with more silence, "Jimin-" he called out once more, but more quiet this time; trying to tread softly.

Jimin finally took a deep breath. He let out a wail, his face turning gruesome as lines of pain became carved across it.

He let out another cry,
"No. No. No!" His voice tearing at the back of his throat, he dropped the phone and clutched locks of his hair- ready to pull out of rage.

He shouted empty words; voice grainy and strained, this time the tears were already trickling down his face.
Jimin launched him self towards the nearest piece of furniture, the dining table. He began slamming his fists into it.

Hit after hit, trying to relieve the burning pain inside him.
He continued wailing out.

"Jimin- it's okay- what- just tell me what happened? Stop please stop..." Hoseok approached the hurting boy, his face also marked with trails of tears.
"Stop, please. You're bruising yourself-" he pleaded again.

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