Chapter 33

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I woke up the next morning with a panic-


I scavenged for my phone to check the time, it was only 9.43am.
Which is ridiculously early for me by the way. I groaned as I got up and went to the bathroom to pee and wash myself.
Only 3 days, only 3 days until BTS go on tour.

I won't be joining them on their Asia tour, but I need to fly out and meet them when they start with the USA and the Europe tour.

So, I was going to be alone for a good 2 weeks almost.
Which suuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuucked. /-.-/ OTL

There was a really good dessert (bakery) place I knew of, and that's where I was going to get Jimin's belated birthday cake- sorry, cupcake. I'm getting him a cupcake- I'm getting his birthday cupcake from there.
It was gonna be all cute, a little cupcake with sweet lemon icing and a little candle in the center.

I got dressed and made my way to the bakery, it wasn't too far so I just walked. I was happy because giving him the cupcake would give me another excuse to see him again- I just wanted to see him as much as I could before he left for the tour.
But at the same time I knew how difficult it would be to actually spend time with him considering how busy he would be before any tour- let alone this one.

I found myself frowning as walked towards the bakery's entrance.

As soon as I stepped in the smell of freshly baked bread filled the air, I took a deep breath in, I could almost taste it. I looked around the cases, a section for the savoury pastries, the breads, the cakes and the desserts.
I paused for a moment when I saw a small golden-brown sponge cake, with flecks of clear sprinkles of sugar on its pale yellow icing.

I was definitely getting that.
Screw the cupcakes.

After buying the Lemon cake (and two Red velvet cupcakes- for uh.. research purposes) I left the store, excited.

I got back home and messaged Jimin-
Hey, I know you're busy, but if you're up, can you quickly stop by for a minute?

Almost immediately he replied with-
Yeah, sure, but make it quick, I need to go to a meeting with PDnim in 15 minutes :(

I forced a smile and responded
That's cool, I only need to see you for a minute.

I rushed to the kitchen and shimmied in a couple candles into the icing of the cake and one into one of the Red Velvet cupcakes.

Before I knew it there was a soft knock on the door, I took a deep breath and inched towards the sound.

I opened the door to find Jimin, all scruffy, with dark bags under his eyes and messy unkempt hair. He softly smiled through his exhaustion-
"Hey." He said, "I'm sorry, I'm a mess, I've been up since 5am, we've been practicing a few last minute changes to our set list..." He dozed off for a moment."You called me over for something?" He asked, a little more eager this time.

"Uhh yeah, just come in for a second" I gestured for him to come in.He slowly and sloppily came in, but still smiling.

"Here just sit down for a moment." I nodded as I guided him to the sofa as I held him by his shoulders.

I quickly made my way to the kitchen- then very slowly brought over the cake, trying to steady the flames from dancing on the tips of the candles.
I cleared my throat and attempted to sing, "Happy belated birthday to you, happy belated birthday to you, happy belated birthday to dear Chimchim- Happy birthday to you!"
He was smiling by the time I'd reached him.

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