Chapter 18

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We made our way to a diner, it wasn't any place special. It was clearly an independent business and it wasn't crowded either- it was peaceful, along with Jungkook's black hoodie partially covering his face, no one recognised him.

We sat across eachother on a table in the corner. Before we had a chance to talk, we were handed a menu each.

"Uhhh I've never really been here before, I have no idea what to buy 😅"

"Really? This place is really good, the boys and I come here quite a lot. Noona, if you can't decide, just order a Chicken Burger, they have fast food here too." He said, smiling at the menu.
I guess that'd be the easiest option, considering I don't have the brain juice to decide on anything.
"Neee..." He replied, still looking down at the menu.

"Why do you keep doing that?"
He finally looked up, eyes wide, worried as if I were scolding him.
"...Doing what?..."

"Calling me Noona!"
He eased up and began laughing, relieved. He managed to let out a "Why?".

"I'm almost the same age as you, if not, younger! Don't call me Noona >.< you're making me feel old." I laughed.

"Aaa haaha sorry about that ^•^ It's just... I don't know, everyone is usually older than me, I feel more comfortable calling you Noona I guess. heh. I'll stop if it makes you uncomfortable."

"Noooo it's okay, if that's what makes you comfortable, it's fine. Really. I was just curious as of why."

We ordered our food, Jungkook ordered a Korean dish along with stuffed crust pizza, he said he would spare me a slice.
We spoke a little about how he felt about all the practicing he's been doing and about their promotions. I, being the "Noona", offered him encouragement and support of course.
Everything was really nice.

"FOOD" Jungkook loudly whispered, his eyes lighting up at the sight of the waiter carrying a tray of food in out direction.
"...FOOD." He repeated, this time, a wide grin growing across his face. I burst out laughing, "AHAHHAHA yes Kookie, FOOD."

The chicken burger was delicious, I actually haven't had a burger in such a long time. For a good 5 minutes we both sat silently as we dug into our food.
Jungkook cleared his throat,
"So.... Noona, why did you look so upset earlier?"

"Well, you see...uh... let's just say that I'm sort of in a tight spot but it's not something that you could help with, really."

He once again had that concerned look in his eyes that melted my heart, I swear to God I would've almost told him my problem if it weren't for the whole "don't tell anyone or else" thing Yoongi and Jimin had going.
"Are you sure I can't do anything?"

"Sweetie, it's fine. You're already helping by being here."
He finally stopped looking so worried.
"SoooooOooOooo.... Jungkookie, is there a girl? 😉"
His eyes widened and he almost choked on the food in his mouth as he attempted to gulp it down.
He looked down, "anii..."



"Spill it ^•^ oooo the Golden Maknae is in looooOoooooOoove. What's her name?"

"...Sung Ra" he said quietly as he lowered his head to hide his embarrassment.
"Oauhhhh she has a really pretty name! What's she like?"
Before answering, Jungkook smiled to him self "well...she's just great, she's beautiful, smart, sweet and she has a really sweet and soothing voice...she's amazing... I mean, we don't really talk and I don't get to go to school much anymore... I miss her."

I reached out and placed my hand on his shoulder and ATTEMPTED to comfort him.
"She sounds great, maybe you should talk to her the next time you see her?"
We both looked at my phone.
"I'll just get that later ^•^ anyway, as I was saying-"
AIGO AIGOoo. I don't even want to know who sent that message.

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