Chapter 27

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I'm too scared to move. He's probably asleep. He's sleeping peacefully while I lay here- awake- in panic.

I hate this. I hate this so much. I hate that we're in some sort of argument or dilemma, actually I don't even know what we're in. All I know is, that it's killing me. It hurts so bad when I get the feeling that we're broken, that we aren't like we used to be.

My heart. My heart is pounding, of course it is- how could it not be? I feel excited, guilty, scared and happy at the same time- I mean, happy in the sense that he's here, in the sense that I thought I'd never get to be alone with him after what happened.

I glanced over to his side, he was laying face-up; and it created the most beautiful silhouette thanks to my weak-ass curtains not blocking out all light. The light coming in wasn't yellow like the light of a street lamp, it was white- silver almost- I looked at my window, an odd crescent shape of a bright moon was visible through the material. It wasn't a full moon. But it was pretty...
So this is the fucker that's been telling Jimin what I've been up to? Huah? Square up son. FIGHT ME.
I giggled under my breath at my thoughts.

I turned my attention back to Jimin, the outline of his hair- how his fringe had been swept to the sides (thanks to this amazing thing called gravity, everything accelerating downwards at 9.81m/s^2), how his forehead was once again on show- did I ever mention how much I love his forehead? Hosoek's too, they have great foreheads and they look great with them on show.
Where was I? Oh. Yes, the majestic silhouette of the majestic Jimin.
The way it swoops down for his nose- ah, but there's a small hill- a little pit stop, barely noticeable, but just as important and charming as all of his other features.
His lips, plump. The upper lip seeming more tamed- more regal. But holy shit the lower lip looked so juicy it seemed illegal- how on earth can a silhouette look plump?!
His lips look delicious- not in the sense that I have the urge to kiss him (well, sorta), but in a way that I think it would be strangely satisfying to poke or chew on-
His lips parted (like the Red Sea).

"I thought you were asleep."

Sadly, I did not even hear what he said, because now, I was staring at his neck- and how it looks so smooth and warm and inviting. How I want to run my index finger along his sharp jawline and down his soft neck.
Not in a sexual way, but more in a way of admiration...fascination?
No, captivation.
His Adam's apple danced up and down as he spoke.

"I'd appreciate it if you'd stop staring."

I lay my head back down and stared at the ceiling, "I thought you were asleep."

"Is that why you were staring? Do you stare at me every time I sleep at your apartment?" He cautiously asked me.

"What? No! Who said I was staring. I simply stated that I thought you were asleep..." I waited a few seconds, but he didn't say anything.


"Jimin- I... Can we talk? I mean I ... I hate this. We're frie- we're close. I mean, we are, right?... Or we were?" I furrowed my eyebrows, why was it so difficult even bringing 'this' up.

"Yes we can... and yes we were- or are- well, I don't know actually... That depends on you." He said- whispering the last part.

"I'm sorry." I finally blurted.

"Me too." He blurted back.

"For what exactly?" I asked.

"I- I actually don't- wait, why are you sorry? It's my fault..." He sounded more normal now, less cautious but still slightly uncomfortable.

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