Chapter 32

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The next couple days were distant, as always our- I mean his, schedule got in the way.

We'd still check up on each other and talk late at night after practice. He would insist on asking me every night about my day, even if it was exactly the same as the day before- and the same as the day before that; "Nothing much, I spent my time translating footage and helped with organising venues and accommodations for your tour."
And he'd always tell me something like "Practice was intense, I'm so tired. The boys and I just hung out during our breaks. After practice I went to the gym to work out for a bit with Jungkook."
He was always tired but he always insisted on messaging me at night.

It was his birthday soon. It was his birthday soon and I was clueless as to what I wanted to get him.
What could I possibly have gotten him? To be honest I'm not ever sure if I'll even be able to see him, he'll be busy and they'll probably record him when they bring in the cake, and there's also a music show scheduled before a fanmeet... And even if there is a company celebration in the evening, I somewhat doubt I would be a part of it.

A drawing? No, that's stupid, he's seen plenty of drawings of himself.

Should I get him a bouquet of flowers? I'd probably seem too cheesy and love struck.

Clothes? Maybe. But he already owns plenty and he wears expensive brands.

Bake him a cake maybe? I'm not that great at cooking, I mean I could if I wanted to but if it's for his birthday it has to be perfect... I'll just buy him a lemon flavoured cake, he said he liked sour things in that one interview, didn't he?

Maybe I could perform a BTS song? Haha. But as a joke, of course, since I have absolutely no musical talent, I can't sing, dance or keep in beat.

What if I made a watercolour painting of butterflies fluttering around? That would be pretty, and different from anything else he'll get, I hope so at least.

Of course not, absolutely not.

Maybe I could get him a bracelet? But idk man fans notice everything, what if he wore it often?

Yoongi had messaged me earlier, he was going to just stop by and go over a few English phrases for a new song he was writing.

He arrived wearing navy skinny jeans, black converses, a plain grey top and a denim jacket.
"Hey, how's it been?" He said as he stepped in.
"Nothing much, really, just sorting out a few things for your tour- want some tea?" I asked as I stepped into the kitchen.
"Yeah, sure... do you have green tea?- need any help?" He called from the couch in the living area.
I kindly refused his offer and was back with two cups of green tea in a matter of minutes.
"So, uh here's the thing I wanted you to look over." He handed me a sheet of paper with barely readable writing on it- both Korean and English.
"Sorry~ my handwriting is kind of hard to read..." He quietly apologised as he stared off into space.
"No, worries, I can make it out, mostly."

The writing he made me look over was something to do with Oases, dreams, Neverland and delusions- it was actually quite interesting and I'm anticipating what ever he's cooking up for ARMY.

"Hey... So... Can I talk to you about something?" He quietly asked in a monotonous voice.
"Yeah, sure." I nervously said as I took another sip of my, now lukewarm, tea.

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