First Impressions

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     I woke up to our dorm shaking, I'm used to it now. No, it's not an earthquake, it's just Eric's alarm clock that beeps and shakes the whole dorm building aggressively. The Boyz' dorms are directly above us so his alarm clock that lays on the floor wakes us up too. I sit up in bed immediately, and since I'm on the top bunk I punch the ceiling until Eric turns the alarm off. After that's done, I jump from my bed to the floor because it's fun, and my roommates Eunbi and Yuri are sitting up as well. We all get ready and there's a knock on our door. I open it to see Sujin, Kiki, and Luna standing their. We all gather by my laptop and I open it.
"Alright." Luna claps her hands. "Before we start, just take a deep breathe. No matter what happens, we will always-"
"Yah yah yah we get it just search already!!!" Eunbi yells. We all laugh and I go to YouTube and search up 'Paper Planes'.
"No way,"
"18.7 million views?!" I stood up in shock.
"YAYYYYY" we all stood up and cheered high fiving each other.
Once we settled down, Luna spoke, "It hasn't even been 24 hours yet!"
"We could beat Aespa to get the record," Sujin said.
"It's not a competition!" Yuri laughed. I noticed Kiki was grinning ear to ear so I gave her a side hug and smiled back.
"Let's look at the comments!" Eunbi said, and scrolled down.
After reading for five minutes, Luna said "Wow, I think people like us!"
"Most of the fans came because of The Boyz, but that's fine," Kiki said.
"Yeah, I'm glad many people supported us!" I added. A knock was heard so I stood up to open it. All of The Boyz were standing in the hallway and pulled the strings of their confetti poppers.
"CONGRATULATIONS!" They shouted loudly.
"THanks!" I laughed, and the other girls came to see the commotion.
"Sorry we can't stay long," Juyeon said.
"We have to record in five minutes," Sangyeon checked his watch.
"Ah ok, thanks for stopping by," Luna smiled. They waved goodbye and Chanhee smiled at me before they disappeared down the hall. Eunbi poked my ribs and I cringed then ignored her. We made our way back to the computer only to get a text from our manager.

Manager Lim
Congratulations girls, please make your way to the dance room, you
have the choreography recording in ten minutes.

"Okay, lets go, we can always do more stalking later!" Luna said, and lead us all downstairs.
"Sujin-ah," Eunbi said in the elevator. "Are you happy?"
"Yes." Sujin said, a small smile on her face.
"I can never tell," Eunbi teased.
"yAh!" Sujin narrowed her eyes. They chased each other down the hallway all the way to the dance practice room.

"I swear, Eunbi has endless amounts of energy," Kiki comments. I nod because I'm too tired to say anything else.

We enter the dance room which has a entire wall mirror but other than that it's just a white room. There are three camera people and our manager setting up. Since it's our first dance practice film we have to put on some makeup.

We have to do the dance three times, because once the lighting was off, and the next time Luna's sneaker fell off. I'm pretty satisfied with my dancing, and luckily I got decent amount of center time. The dance break was all eyes on me, and honestly it's my favorite part of the dance :)

Manager Lim tells us good job and that we are free until 3 for our wardrobe fitting.

"How does salad sound to you guys?" Kiki asks.
"Aw man I forgot we're on a diet," Eunbi sighs.
"Sure, let's go to the cafeteria," Luna says.
"I'll join you in a bit I'm gonna practice a bit more," I tell them and start stretching.
"Okay, see you later!" Yuri tells me and they leave. I turn on music from the speakers and do the dance twice more. Ugh I need to get better. Suddenly the words of that girl I ran into yesterday swim around my head. I'm not proving anything to her, this is for myself.

Idance for two hours until the heat in the room gets to me. I take off my T-shirt so I'm just wearing a sports black bra and white sweat pants. I'm so glad summer is almost over, and I collapse on the floor. Sigh, I wish my legs could never get tired. I just lay on my back staring at the ceiling until the door opens and Chanhee, Changmin, and Sunwoo walk in. Omo! I sit up quickly,
"Oh, hi Hana, sorry we didn't know you were in here," Changmin bowed.
"Oh it's fine," I stood up.
"We're we interrupting something?" Sunwoo smirked and threw me my T-shirt that was by his feet.
"Yah! As you can see I'm by myself here," I said embarrassed.
"Sorry, we can leave. Or look away," Chanhee said and started backing away.
"no it's fine I'm done here," I pulled my shirt over my head, omg can I just disappear now.

"Ah, I think I saw the other NEON girls getting vlog cameras, they might be doing a VLive," Changmin informs me.
"Oh, thanks, I'll head up there," I say and head towards the door. I catch a glance of Chanhee and he smiles at me. I blush and quickly leave. 

As i close the door I hear Sunwoo and Changmin giggling and teasing Chanhee. I shake my head, why is my heart pounding? Whatever, I quickly run upstairs and fix my hair before I enter my dorm.
"Oh! Hana! I was just about to call you!" Eunbi linked her arm with mine and we sat on the floor in front of the couch next to Yuri. The other three girls sat on the couch once Luna set up the vlog cams.
"Okay," Luna said. "You already know the basic VLive rules, let's just have fun. We'll just be answering questions in the comments today, just be yourselves!" She pressed record and connected it to the livestream app.

"1, 2," Luna started counting,
"GLOW bright, hello we are NEON!" We all said and bowed and waved towards the camera.
"Hi everyone!" Luna greeted, and we all smiled. I pulled out my phone and so did Sujin to check the live comments. We told the viewers to ask questions,
"Let's get started!" Eunbi cheered.

P.S thank you so much to my 3 loyal viewers, you really make my day 🥺

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