RiSe aNd ShInE

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I hear a noise and I wake up immediately. It takes me a full minute to remember I'm at a hotel from the party yesterday. Although that still doesn't explain why I'm sleeping on the floor. I stand up, I'm still wearing the clothes I was yesterday, and I look around. It's a nice hotel with only one bed and one bathroom.

I take a second look at the bed and widen my eyes. Chanhee? What is he doing in my room?? More importantly why was I sleeping on the floor and he's on my bed??

I kneel by the side of the hotel bed. He and his long lashes look so peaceful and delicate. He's still wearing the same clothes and makeup too. I brush his blue and blonde bangs out of his eyes, oh what a visual. Anyways. I whack his arm and he sits up immediately.

"what do you mean he got away from security?!" Chanhee shouts, half asleep.
"Huh??" I ask confused.
"SanE- wait, huh??" Chanhee looks around, equally confused.

"What? Were you dreaming about that?" I ask. "Aw, did you protect me in your sleep" I tease.

"N-no, no way," Chanhee's face turns a bit pink.

"Suuure. Anyways, why are you in my hotel room?" I sit next to him on the bed.

"This is my room. Last night you fell asleep suddenly and I was gonna carry you to your and Eunbi's room, but she told me to bring you to mine for some reason, and that she would come pick you up when she was done partying or something. But she never came back I guess and I simply fell asleep," Chanhee explains.

"Oh. Okay," I say, suddenly very aware of the fact that I slept in the same room as a boy other than Kevin. "Gee, thanks for giving me a pillow to sleep on," I point to the pillow-less floor that I slept the whole night on.

"You're the one that fell asleep there! What were we supposed to do anyways, share a bed?" Chanhee says, then pauses right away. "I mean- not like that. I meant-"

Thankfully someone knocks on the hotel door before we can finish this awkward conversation.

Chanhee springs up from the bed and looks through the peep whole.

"Oh no,"

"'Oh no' what?" I stand up as well.

"It's Kevin!" Chanhee whisper shouts.

"OH NO!" I whisper back. If my brother finds out I spent the night here- who knows what he'll think.

"He'll be mad right?" Chanhee asks, panicking.

"I have no idea," I say. "Open it in one second,"  I run into the bathroom and close the door.

Chanhee opens the room door.

"HI KEVIN," Chanhee says, a bit too loudly and a bit to suspiciously.

"um. Hi," Kevin slides into the room. "You okay New?"

"YEs. Ahem, yes." Chanhee clears his throat.

"Okay... I just came in here to use the shower. I had to share a room with Juyeon and he's using it right now." Kevin says and walks closer to the bathroom. Shoot.

"Wait! Have you uh, have you seen Hana?" Chanhee lies.

"Nope, haven't seen her since you carried her up the elevator~" Kevin snickers. "You both are together now right? I completely approve. But if you hurt her I'll burn your arm warmer, kay?" Kevin puts his hand on the door nob. Shoot shoot.

"OKAY THAT'S FINE," Chanhee says, voice shaking.

"Oh, right. I forgot to ask what happened to SanE after he- uh, attacked Hana?" Kevin asks.

"He went outside with security" Chanhee says.

"Oh good." Kevin says, even through the other side of the door I can tell he isn't smiling. "um. I know Hana said she was okay but, I know her and I know she doesn't forget these kinds of things. I just want to let her know that it's okay to not be okay, she's gotten a little to comfortable with the phrase 'I'm fine'. So if you see her, you let her know that too okay?" Kevin says.

"O-oh. Of course," Chanhee says.

"good, now let me take a shower," Kevin says, and before Chanhee can stop him he opens the bathroom door.

But before Kevin can say anything I hug him tightly.

"HUH?" Kevin asks with visible confusion.

"Thank you you're the best brother ever, C'mon let's go," I drag him towards the front door.

"Uh, thanks but why were you in his bathroom?" Kevin raises his eyebrow.

"I came here to use the mirror because Eunbi is hogging ours. Um, come on," I tug his arm but he yanks it back.

"Then why are you still wearing the same thing as yesterday? Did you really sleep in that?" Kevin asks. As he does, Chanhee throws me a blanket nearby which I wrap around my waist.

"No- I mean. Yes!" I say and open the door ready to yeet Kevin into the hallway.

"Be honest, you slept here didn't you, did you-"

"NO" Chanhee and I shout at the same time.

"IfellasleepherebecauseEunbiforgottopickmeupbutIsleptonthefloorandChanheesleptonthebedIswearonmylifebelievemeKevin," I say in one breath.

Kevin smirks, "UH, Okay, but just so you know I can tease you both about this for the rest of your careers"

"Which won't be for much longer if you three don't hurry up!" Haechan says to us, who was walking down the hallway and passed our open door.

"RIGHT, let's go!" I grab my strawberry purse that was on the ground, Chanhee takes his bag and we speed walk out of the room.

Me, Chanhee, Kevin, and Haechan take the stairs down to the lobby where around 50 idols are waiting. Everyone else took their vans back to their company building.

I ran to join Sujin, Kiki, Luna, Eunbi and Yuri who were waiting by some couches.
"Oh! There you are," Luna says.

"Right. Eunbi said you were in the shower," Sujin says, uninterested.

"YES yes I was, In the hotel room, which I shared with Eunbi, which I slept in last night." I lie quickly.

Eunbi looks at me and mouths 'Your welcome' with a smug face. I glare at her, knowing she set me up. Finally our manager finds us and we get into the van.

We all take our seats and the rest of the girls nap until we arrive. I check my phone which has 2% left, and I have only one message from the stalker.

Getting with Chanhee as soon as you broke up with Sunwoo? Pathetic.
Watch your back.

Stay Away - Choi Chanhee the boyz NewUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum