The Scandal

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I stood up from my chair, the chair screeching on the floor, "WHAT?!"

"Hana Moon it's alright please calm down. Let me explain," she said and I sat down again. "I won't ask for your specifics on your relationship with Mr. Sunwoo, however this can create so much attention towards both groups. It may be hard to understand from an idol perspective, but this dating scandal is just temporary and works towards your benefit. It is an especially good way to gain international fans especially in America. We confirmed the rumor already so there's no going back now. All you need to do is go out in public a couple times a month together and our staff and the press will do the rest. Please understand that this is for the best and it is only for a little while,"

"W-what?? I'm not dating Kim Sunwoo! I like- I don't like him. People already hate me, they'll just hate me more," I looked down at my hands.

She handed me a stack of printed articles showing "proof" but really it was just when I ran into him that one time on the way to the bakery, and just today when he had a bee stuck in his hair. I almost laughed, this is ridiculous.

"Don't worry, if we play it off right there won't be a problem, remember Hana, we want what is best for you and we are here to protect you. Please talk to Kim Sunwoo and whoever else you think might feel affected by this." Her phone rang, she picked it up and dismissed me from the room.

She shut the door and I stood outside of it, stunned. I ran out to get fresh air, by now it was getting a bit dark and I walked a couple blocks from the building. I hate this. I.... I like Choi Chanhee. What am I going to tell him? he probably knows already that's why he was looking at me earlier.

I was about to turn back when a pair of arms wrapped around my waste and my neck. The person wore a black mask, sunglasses and all black clothing I couldn't tell who it was at all.

I started struggling to get out of the person's grasp when they spoke.

"I'm not here to hurt you Hana Moon. Consider this a warning. Do exactly what your boss wants, and make it believable. Don't cause any more hate towards the others in your group and be professional. If you don't, you will regret it," the person took a small pocket knife and scratched my forearm with it. "I know where to find you. But if you do as I say, we won't have to meet again. Do you want that?"

I nodded quickly.

"You act all tough but your not, just remember this. And I have your contact," the person held up their phone and threw me on the ground. They ran off in another direction and I looked down at my forearm. A long scratch ran down from my elbow to my palm. It wasn't deep was still bleeding a little. I held back my tears, stood up and walked back to the building holding my arm, covering it with my jacket.

I got in the elevator when a hand stopped the closing doors. I looked up to see, for once, the person who I least wanted to see. Choi Chanhee.

His eyes looked red and he didn't wear his usual smile or sass. We stared at each other. It hurt more to see him that my arm hurt.

"I-I'm sorry. This wasn't my idea. I didn't even know this was going on actually, I found out after you guys did," I blurted out.

He sighed and ran his hand through his hair blue blond hair. "I know Hana. I know the real you, and I'm not mad. I just feel sad. I mean yesterday we- we... I thought...."

"I know," I interrupted him.

"I still, um... I still like you Hana. I like you a lot," he said looking towards the wall.

I smiled, "I like you a lot too. I have no feelings for Sunwoo. In fact we're kind of enemies," I scoffed realizing how ridiculous this rumor is. "But I have to do this. I'm sorry, there's no other way, and I can handle it. It's what.... people want me to do,"

He looked down at me and smiled. But soon his smile was replaced with wide eyes and he gasped. Chanhee grabbed my arm that I was hiding with the jacket and the jacket slipped off revealing my bleeding injured arm.

"Hana!! What happened?" he screamed. "What-what did you do?" he examined my wrist.

"I didn't do anything. I went outside just now and I slipped that's all," I lied.

He looked in my eyes, as if looking to see if I was lying. He didn't say anything but dragged me out of the elevator to his dorm that he shares with Changmin.

We sat down on their living room floor and Chanhee brought out the first aid kit.

"Ah that stings," I said and winced.

"Well you should have thought about that before going out and just falling on the floor!" he scolded. I rolled my eyes and looked up to stop the tears from falling.

"I wasn't planning to fall idiot," I said. 

He sighed and looked at me in the eyes, "You promise you didn't do this to yourself?"

"Yes I promise," I said. It was a psycho threatening me to have a fake relationship with my nemesis but I can't tell you. 

"Okay, I trust you," he said, and I was about to stand up when he remembered. "OH wait! Didn't I tell you to go with a buddy next time? For real, just listen to what I say it's not that hard! You're lucky you wear an arm warmer as part of your costume so it will cover this. But be careful okay?! I'm always having to help you recently, maybe you should wear bubble wrap. Whatever! Not like I care! Just take Eunbi with you, or just text me at least," he said in one breath. 

"Okay okay okay! I will... But I'll probably stay inside a lot more anyways," I said. 

Chanhee nodded and ushered me out. 

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