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This is getting out of hand. How did the anonymous person know I'm with Chanhee? Who knows where this will spread?? Who should I ask about this?

As soon as we got out of the van I stayed near Sujin because I know she can throw a punch. The anonymous person did say "watch your back".
We got into the company building and started practice for the whole day. I did an english VLive at night so people living in Canada and America could watch, and ended up going to sleep at around 3 am.

The next day I woke up at 7 am to Eric's alarm clock and I checked my phone.

Chanhee 💖
You were on VLive late last night!

Yep, it was fun
Were you watching?

Chanhee 💖
Just the beginning
I got bored later


Chanhee 💖
Anyways, let's hang out today?

Sure! Can we sneak out?

Chanhee 💖

Neon has a meeting with our manager at 9 but I'll head to your dorm after that

Chanhee 💖

I set my phone down, eager to meet him later. i dressed in this, prepared to change later

Yuri, Eunbi and I headed out to meet with the rest of the girls and our manager

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Yuri, Eunbi and I headed out to meet with the rest of the girls and our manager.

"Okay, this is the new fitness manager. He will be monitoring The Boyz and NEON from now on, you will only meet once a month don't worry," Our manager whispered the last part to us. We nodded and the fitness manager stepped forward. He wore all black and a black hat.

"Hello, you can call me Jihun." He motioned us towards three scales and we all took turns standing on them. He looked at his clipboard which seemed to have previous weights since debut and other personal information.

"Okay, all of you may go. Hana please step forward," Jihun said strictly and the other girls left. Then it was just me, Manager Lim, and Jihun in the room. Awkward.

"Hana Lee?" He asks
"Yes, that's my stage name," I reply.

"Alright, you seem to have gained 2 and a half pounds since debut. Lose all of that by Wednesday and you'll be good to go." He hands me a small fitbit type watch. "I want you to track 3 miles that you are to run outside now. And after you can start the diet restrictions I posted in the elevator. Go, before it gets colder,"

I stare at him in disbelief. Wednesday is tomorrow!

"Sir, Jihun. Don't you think the deadline is a bit unnecessary," Manager Lim speaks up.
"Well, it's not just about losing the weight. It's about showing your dedication to this career. You know some companies to weighing weekly," Jihun stares us down.

"Okay. Hana, you better get started on it," Manager Lim rubs her forehead, already knowing this Jihun guy will be a pain.

I don't say anything but make my way out of the fitness room. I slip the watch on and pull out my phone.

Sorry, we might have to postpone

Chanhee 💖
Why? What happened?

There's some kind of new fitness coach, and he wants me to lose 2.5 pounds by tomorrow.

Chanhee 💖

I have to start running now, see you later

Chanhee 💖

Wait! omg

that's crazy... You're already- Bring a jacket! I'm on my way

I make my way to the back doors of the company building, prepared to run outside as instructed. But I soon see soft flakes of snow and realize it's cold and winter outside.

"Well, what are you waiting for?" A voice behinds me startles me.

"Um, it's kind of snowing outside." I say back.

"And...?" Jihun says.

"Can I at least get a jacket?" I ask.

"You should waste no time! Exercise waits for nobody! Go go go!" He yells and shoves me out the door.

My sleeveless arms are blasted by the cold and the snow. It has just started to snow but the white flakes are piling up on the ground already. I have no choice but to get this over with so I run along the river many times. I glance at my watch, I'm only at 1.5 miles??

I glance at the rest of my arm and see that the large scar from the stalker person is still there. I spend most of my time in long sleeves so not many people know about it.

The snow is starting to make it hard to see in front of me which is why I barely see someone violently hold me from behind again.

"Don't scream. Don't talk. Don't move," the person in all black says. I gulp, oh no here we go again. "So. you decide to get with Chanhee huh? I'll make myself very clear. You don't belong in your group anymore. Everyone has had enough of your endless attention seeking. I gave you chances to improve your state but you only ended up getting more attention. You brought this upon yourself," the person says and shoves me to the ground. By now my finger tips are turning blue from the cold and sitting on the frozen snow doesn't help.

The person holds out the small knife, the same one that gave me the scar.
"I'll give you two choices. Run far away from here where nobody can find you and never get into the entertainment business again. Or," the person holds their knife up. "Your choice,"

I start to feel dizzy and numb from the cold and I can barely see or think straight. What do I do??
Before I can speak I hear the front door to the company building that's a block away open and close. The stalker runs away immediately leaving me laying on the cold snow, unable to move or speak.

Out of the corner of my eye I see Chanhee, Jacob, Kevin, and Eunbi sprinting towards me. The last thing I hear are shouts for them before I black out

Stay Away - Choi Chanhee the boyz NewWhere stories live. Discover now