Confession pt.2

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"I LIKE YOU HANA" he yells. I stop struggling and we look at each other with widened eyes.

"I liked you since our first date. I went along with you and pretended it was a joke but inside I was hoping it was real. I suppressed my feelings because I didn't think you felt the same way. But now I just- I had to tell you! You really hurt me back there! You really don't want to spend one day a week together?? You hate me that much?!" Sunwoo says, his voice slowly getting louder.

"Calm down! You don't know what you're saying, You don't- you don't like me-" I stutter in shock.

"Than what am I feeling, huh? What is it when I see you and my heart beats faster? When the highlight of my week is to go out and pretend to be dating? When I blush just seeing you look at me?" Sunwoo asks desperately.

"I don't know! How am I supposed to know how you're feeling?!"

"That's exactly it! You don't! But I do. and i know that I like you," Sunwoo says, his expression softening.

I don't know what to say. the fact is he's right... I don't know how he's feeling and it doesn't seem like he's lying. He does like me. But... I don't like him.

"Well...?" Sunwoo asks.

"Well. I think- I just," I look for a way out of this conversation. "YOu know you're being selfish! You can't just ask me to hide my pain that I'm getting out of this scandal because you have a- a crush! That's not fair, this is not fair," I yank my wrist away from him and run out of the cafeteria.

I don't stop running down the stairs until I slam right into someone and we both land on one of the steps.

"sorry-" I mumble and stand up, but the person drags me back down, no! I've had enough of this wrist grabbing!

I plan to run away until I look the person in the eye, of course. Choi Chanhee.

I don't blink so I don't cry and I rest my head between my knees and stare at the floor.

"What's wrong? I was looking all over for you, you really rushed out of that meeting," Chanhee says softly.

For once I don't answer him at all. He seems to get the message because he pats my head and walks away.

I hear the door to the stairwell open again but stay in the position I'm in. Someone runs up the stairs and I think they'll just pass me by but instead the person hugs me tightly.

He pulls back and I see the one person who could make this all better, my brother.

Kevin sits on the stair next to me and I cry in his arms until I can speak again.

"We haven't talked in forever, I thought something was wrong but I didn't think it was this bad," Kevin says, patting my head.

"I didn't realize it was either, because I've just been holding it in," I say truthfully.

"Tell me what happened, and I'll tell you about my week. Deal?" Kevin says.

"Sure." I take a deep breath and continue. "I thought I was okay dealing with all of this hate. The water bottle that scraped my leg, the youtube comments, the articles... and I was ready to deal with the dating thing too because I wanted to help the groups get more attention. But yesterday when I went to the aquarium with Sunwoo, four people from both of our fandoms- nevermind, I shouldn't even call them fans. Anyways, while Sunwoo was distracted they dragged me to some hallway and beat me up and insulted me. They wanted me to leave the group and leave Sunwoo. Luckily I was saved and I only have some random scars, but I started to think... is everyone right?Like should I leave the group? Am I even talented?? Is all of this even worth it??" I ask, comforted already because we are able to speak in english when we're together.

"Wow. I'm so sorry you had to go through all of this. None of us had it nearly as bad, but I'm here for you now, we can deal with it together," Kevin promises me.

"Oh, and there's this other thing... I kind of, kissed Chanhee..?" I admit.

"WHAT?!" Kevin yells.

"we kind of like each other... I think,"


"BUT now there's a huge problem. Just when I was running from the cafeteria, Sunwoo confessed to me saying he liked me this entire time! He wanted me to respond, but I didn't know what to say so I ended up yelling at him and leaving," I finish.

"Omg, that's huge news. First of all, I hope you and Chanhee get together soon, I had a feeling that would happen. And to make it clear, you don't like Sunwoo?" kevin asks.

"...No. I feel horrible about it," I sigh.

"You don't have to. Nobody asked you to, it's not your job to end up liking Sunwoo, it was your 'job' to fake date," Kevin says.

"ugh you're right,"

"I always am," Kevin flips his hair.

"Anyways, enough about me. how was your past weeks?" I ask him.

"Eh, it was okay. I found myself staying awake past 2 am, just like thinking, you know?" Kevin says. "I think my insomnia is back but I don't know what to do about it,"

"Hm, that's tough. What if we bring back 'Late Moon-Moon Talks'?" I suggest. Late Moon-Moon Talks, or LMMT are something we used to do back when I was a trainee. We both suffered from insomnia back then and we would text or meet each other in secret to talk. We stopped when it was announced I would debut.

"Good idea!" Kevin says. "Oh, one thing I was thinking about is I was doing a VLive yesterday and many people were asking about you and being my little sister. Am I aloud to admit it or...?"

"Ms. Yang hasn't said anything about it, but most people already know. At this point I don't care, I have to prove myself to these people anyways so we can just let it be known I guess," I sigh.

"Cool," Kevin stands up and offers me a hand. "I can brag about how cool you are,"

I smile but inside I'm more worried about what people will think of Kevin after this.

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