The rumor

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"W-what? Really? I'm so sorry," I bowed to her.

"Hana, I'm only kidding," Manager Lim said and smiled at me. I sighed of relief. "You think our staff hasn't already seen this? They already confirmed within Chanhee and your brother that this wasn't the whole story. They are taking the post down in about ten minutes, after having a call with the girl who posted."

"Ah! Really? That's such a relief," I smiled.

"Yes, now don't hesitate to contact me, but also know that we have staff looking out for this." my manager told me.

"right, thank you," I bowed and walked to the elevator.

The door was about to close when a hand reached in and stopped it.

"Ahh!" I screamed slightly.
"AHHHH!" the person jumped.

"Omo, Hana don't do that," Sunwoo said and whacked my arm as he got into the elevator.

"you don't do that! the door was about to close can't you just wait," I scoffed.

"Hmph, you're the only one in here there's plenty of space for me," Sunwoo scoffed back.

"Whatever," I said and pulled out my phone.

"Oh yeah, I heard what happened with that girl. Um, sorry I guess," Sunwoo said.

"Gee thanks," I laughed at his attempt. We both got out of the elevator onto the main floor.

"Um are you following me or something?" I asked when I pulled up my black mask and headed out the door.

"No, are you following me?" Sunwoo asked and brought out his baseball hat.

"No, I got in the elevator first idiot," I said and tried to walk past him.

"Where are you going anyways," Sunwoo said and caught up to me easily, darn his long legs.

"Kevin asked me to get him bread," I said.

"aye, he asked me to get him bread," Sunwoo stopped. I stopped walking too.

"Fine, then you go get it," I said.

"you're so mean just come with me," Sunwoo pouted.

"But you're so annoying..." I said.

"But I don't have any money..." Sunwoo added.

I scoffed, "fine." and walked towards the bakery. The fall weather was coming and a breeze blew.

"Are you cold?" Sunwoo asked.

"Yeah, can I borrow your jacket?" I asked trying to annoy him.

"Dude I don't have one either LOL," he said, and I looked at him, yep only wearing a white T shirt and jeans.

"Basic," I muttered and sped up my pace.

"Rude, well you didn't bring one either," he said and caught up again.

We walked to the bakery conversing casually, got the bread and walked back. Sunwoo told me how some of the showers are broken in the dorms and I told him about my arm warmers. Chanhee will be proud, Sunwoo said. 

"oh yeah, good luck on your performance tomorrow," Sunwoo said when we arrived at his dorm.

"Thanks," I walked into his dorm to give the bread to kevin only to see a shirtless chanhee chasing around Eric.

"Um what," Sunwoo said when we stood at the dorms. Chanhee and Eric stopped and looked at us. Chanhee turned beet red, as did everyone in the room.

"Yah, Sohn Eric I'll kill you!" Chanhee grabbed his shirt from Eric who was cackling and put it on quickly. "Sorry I was using your shower since mine is broken." Chanhee told Sunwoo.

"um, okay," Sunwoo said and started rolling on the floor laughing. Chanhee grabbed Eric's wrist and dragged him towards the door.

"Sorry," Chanhee bowed towards me and ran out. I turned back towards Sunwoo who was wiping his tears.

He smirked at me and bent down so his face was directly at mine. "Your face is so red,"

"YAH stop it," I shoved him out of the way and slammed Kevin's bread on their table. "KEVIN MOON YOUR BREAD IS HERE YOU OWE ME BIG TIME," I shouted and left their dorm.

Geez that was so embarrassing, and Sunwoo is so annoying. I walked back to my dorm to see only Eunbi on the couch.

"Oh hey, did you just come from the gym?" she asked.

"What? no, I went to Kevin's room, I mean- I went with Sunwoo to... I mean, I saw Chanhee, I mean-"

"Ohhhh is that why you're so red! You saw chanhee!!" Eunbi said, still not looking up from her phone.

"NO... no, nevermind," I dashed to the bedroom and pulled out my phone. I scrolled through the comments and no matter how hard I searched I couldn't find that one containing the post. I sighed of relief. Maybe it really will get better...

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