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Me (Hana) POV

I felt myself crying silently on the bench. Why?? Why am i crying, I told myself that haters wouldn't bother me... but I didn't expect it to happen so early. How can people make such assumptions from one opinion? I suddenly became aware of the fact that I had no jacket and only wearing socks in the middle of the night in korea. I realized I should probably get inside LOL. As I was about to get up two figures approached me where I was sitting. I was about to take out my pepper spray when they pulled down their masks.

"Hana!!" Chuu and Heejin exclaimed. They bent down to match my level.
"Chuu! Heejin!" I sighed of relief and we all hugged.
"Sorry if we scared you," Chuu smiled at me.

"But what are you doing out here? it's pretty dangerous, we always have to go out in pairs," Heejin said.

"I just... I don't know. I felt like I couldn't breathe, and wanted air," I sighed.
" 'no air'" Chuu laughed. I smiled at her.

"Well let us know if you ever need anything. Is something wrong?" Heejin examined my face.
"Ah, nothing really. I mean it should be nothing." I pulled out my phone and showed them what I was looking at earlier.

"Omo! what's this crap?!" Heejin said angrily.
"Omg, that's way too harsh. I'm so sorry Hana!" Chuu said and sat next to me.
"It's fine, I just don't know what to do. I'm supposed to just ignore it right?"

"Usually. But this is going too far. I would talk to your manager, or at least your band mates about it." Heejin told me.

"Yeah, I just don't want to make it a big deal. And everyone is so excited I don't want to bring them down. This is my fault after all," I sighed.

"But is it?" Chuu asked. "I can tell you're a very nice girl. Did these things really happen?"

I shook my head and told them what happened.

"Geez, if I knew this person I would-"

"Heejin calm down LOL." Chuu whacked her. "Well, I think you should go back to your company building and tell them tomorrow. They can find a way to delete it probably. You can ask for them not to put out a statement it you want, no promises they'll listen but you can try,"

"Thanks guys," I smiled. "I'm so glad I met you out here" They smiled back but Chuu got a text saying they had to go back to Blockberry Creative so they waved goodbye.

I stood up to leave when someone came and walked next to me. "AHHH" I screamed, which made him scream as well.
"It's just me!" Chanhee pulled down his hood. Geez what is it with The Boyz and screaming??

"Omo, Chanhee you scared me," I said.

"Yah! You're the one who scared me! Eunbi said you just ran away," Chanhee said. "Tsk, tsk you didn't even bring a jacket"

"Don't tsk tsk me! I was having a crisis. Anyways I'm fine now," I said and forced a smile. For once his nagging face softened.

Chanhee cleared his throat and took off his jacket and gave it to me, which went all the way down to my knees. I thanked him and we walked awkwardly.

"OMO!" Chanhee stopped suddenly.

"What is it now?!" I asked.

"You're not wearing shoes!!" he practically yelled and pointed at my black socks.

"Calm down, we get it.  Everyone in Korea knows now," I said and continued to walk.

"Yah!" He grabbed my wrist. "Come on, get on my back,"

"What no?! We're literally almost there," I said and picked up my pace. He fast walked next to me but my walk turned into a jog and soon a run. He chased me down the street.

"Yah Hana! You could get a splinter! You're just gonna drag more dirt into the dorm. Hey! I'm not cleaning it up!" He nagged all the way back.

When I arrived at the building's back door I waited for him to catch up. I'm a pretty fast runner.

"Aish, you will be the death of me, that is if you don't injure yourself first" Chanhee said as we caught our breathes.

"Yeesh, all you do is nag," I laughed.

"Get inside already!" He said and I opened the door for both of us. We took the elevator to my floor. "Go to bed child,".

"Thanks," I said and smiled at him before I opened the door. I can tell he's still worried so I just waved before he could nag anymore. I closed the door and took off my socks as Chanhee instructed. He really worries about me more then Kevin. I wonder why...

I climbed onto the bunk bed which unfortunately is very creaky so Eunbi sat up. "Hana, are you okay?"

"Yep, don't worry," I said.

"okay. By the way Luna said tomorrow we're going to practice for out performance and the performance is the day after that." Eunbi said.

"Cool, good night Eunbi," I said.

The next morning we woke up to Eric's earthquake again. I punched the ceiling, per usual, and got ready for the day:

After eating fruit for breakfast we went to the practice stage, which was one floor underground

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After eating fruit for breakfast we went to the practice stage, which was one floor underground. We all practiced setting up our headset microphones and tested them for a warm up. My lines were in the two choruses, and a split rap with Sujin. Kiki got the most lines, because she is the center, and Yuri got the least. I'm also happy because there are only a couple times when i'm in the back, this way I can show off my dancing skills. We rehearsed four times, they mostly went smoothly, except Luna's shoe fell off and Eunbi bumped into me once.

The thing I'm most worried about for tomorrow is my dress and performing in heels. They are boots heels, but still just as scary. Once we were free to go, I went up to our manager. She looked up from her computer and smiled at me. Surprisingly, the staff here are pretty nice. I heard the CEO is kinda scary but I haven't met her. Eric just calls her the company lady.

"Hi Manager Lim. Um, I'm here because i wanted to ask," I showed her the rude post about me.

"oh my. We'll have to go through serious procedures." she replied.

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