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The next day after practice we were instructed to dress in semi-formal clothes, so I dressed in this and combat boots.

Me, Eunbi, Yuri, Luna, Kiki, and Sujin met outside of our dorms, complimented each other's outfits and walked to the elevator

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Me, Eunbi, Yuri, Luna, Kiki, and Sujin met outside of our dorms, complimented each other's outfits and walked to the elevator. Luna pressed the down button and the elevator doors opened to reveal Juyeon, Sunwoo, Jacob, Kevin, and Chanhee already in it.

"oh! Hi," Luna bowed and the rest of us did as well.

"We can fit six more!" Kevin says.

"T-that's okay, I can just-" Yuri is stopped by Sujin who drags her into the elevator along with the rest of us.

I stand by right in front of Chanhee but unfortunately it's pretty squished because jacob brought some cereal boxes for meeting snack.

I look behind me and laugh.

"We're matching," I say to Chanhee who's also wearing a sweater vest.

"We're matching," I say to Chanhee who's also wearing a sweater vest

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"Maybe you do have style," he jokes.

Everyone laughs but the elevator lurches down and I fall back onto Chanhee's front. Suddenly the elevator is chaos, Yuri becoming claustrophobic, Sunwoo screaming, and cereal flying everywhere.

Luna shouts for everyone to stay calm, Jacob comforts Yuri and Sunwoo, while Sujin starts picking up various cereals off the floor.

Eunbi clears her throat and raises her eyebrows at me. I realize that Chanhee is still back hugging me out of fear and he immediately lets go and pushes me forward away from him.

I suppress a smile and look across the elevator at Kevin who is just smirking. I shoot him a glare and turn towards the elevator buttons.

Based off of the amount of "stuck in the elevator" scenes in movies I know that the emergency red button won't help.

Instead I kick the panel near my foot

"yah yah! Don't hit it!" Chanhee warns. Except I guess it worked because the elevator beeps and goes down to the below ground floor.

"hah!" I say, Chanhee rolls his eyes and we file out. Once the cereal is cleaned we open the door that leads to the meeting room.

We have these meetings every month, and it's underground because there's top secret information that we don't want dispatch to leak.

The CEO excused us for being late because she heard about the broken elevator.

"okay, now that everyone is here... we have our artists, managers, tech team, backstage staff, designers..." Ms. Yang (the CEO) checked the attendance paper.

Ms. Yang lead us through her 20 slide powerpoint presentation which took about an hour and a half. While she wasn't looking at us I shot her glares for putting me through this dating scandal.

Ms. Yang finishes the last slide and says "Okay, I know that was relatively short because both The Boyz and NEON do not have comebacks soon. So now is the time for questions and concerns,"

Notice how she doesn't say questions and answers because giving us too much information might put the company in a tight spot.

Various staff members asked their questions in fear and sat back down. I glanced at Luna and Eunbi who were on the other side of the table, and they nodded at me. I glanced at Kevin who was sitting next to me and he nodded too. I haven't told him I was going to speak up about this but sibling telepathy you know?

I took a deep breath and stood up from my seat.

"Yes Hana?" Ms. Yang asked, looking stern.

"I'd like to discuss the recent matters of the dating scandal. Um, it's gotten pretty out of hand. Sure, both groups have gained more viewers, but it's causing mental and physical damage to me. I-I'd like to end it now please," I said firmly.

Kevin glanced up at me with worry written all over his face. The other staff members murmured amongst themselves, it's pretty rare for people to question Ms. Yang's ideas.

"I respect your opinion Ms. Hana, please respect mine. Now, I think this is a more private matter, so I can set up a meeting..." Ms. Yang flipped through her calendar schedules. "In about two weeks,"

I paused... two weeks?? That's too long. Who knows what could happen in that time. I glanced over at my bandmates, and Kiki gave me an encouraging look, which surprised me. All of us are close friends but Kiki and I are in separate rooms so we don't spend as much time together.

Chanhee gives me a silent thumbs up and I look back towards Ms. Yang.

"No. I'd like it done now please. I request that you put out a statement as soon as possible. It's causing harm to your artists, doesn't that worry you?" I look her straight in the eyes.

"Quite. My schedule is rather busy due to recent... events. But I will fit that in, thank you for your input," Ms. Yang says.

I sit back down and kevin pats my back, but isn't smiling.

Once nobody has any questions left, Ms. Yang ends the meeting with a final announcement. "This is to the artists only, Mnet is hosting a formal meet and greet for all of the idols that performed at their last M Countdown. Both The Boyz and NEON are to attend, please be ready in two hours,"

Usually I would feel excited to meet other artists, but I feel too drained to do that. Everyone files out of the meeting room and I take the stairs to the cafeteria to get coffee.

I stand by the machine and wait when someone rushes up to me. I turn around to see Sunwoo out of breath.

He grasps my shoulders.

"Uh, hi?" I raise an eyebrow.

"Why-why did you do that?" He asks. I step back a bit in surprise, he almost looks... sad?

"Do what?" I ask.

"Why did you stand up to Ms. Yang?? you know the power she has, now you might be on her bad side!"

"So what? I did what I had to. Why are you even so worried about this? You're the rebellious one," I point out.

He lets go of my shoulders and rubs his forehead. "No- I mean... I don't think that was a smart move,"

"Why are you being like this? Was it so wrong for me to stand up for myself??" I start to get annoyed.

"Please just- just go back and-"

"Kim Sunwoo why are you being like this?? Why are you disregarding how I feel about this situation," I yell at him. Since rings in my ears after and I start to walk away.

He grabs my wrist and turns be back to him.

"Hana can't you see?? Can't you see what's happening?" He yells back.

"I don't care, you're starting to scare me let go!" I twist my arm around but his grasp is too firm.

"I LIKE YOU HANA" he yells. I stop struggling and we look at each other with widened eyes.

Guys i swear i live for these kdrama cliche things- but i cringed at myself for writing it dhfajsdflkd

also im so sorry i keep switching from like present tense and past tense idk what's wrong with me sorry!!


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