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Hana POV again

Turns out that both Kevin and I fell asleep. Love revolution is really good, we were just both tired from the previous events.

I hear the door to Chanhee and Changmin's door open and I slowly open my eyes. I am laying on the small living room couch facing the tv. Kevin is asleep on the chair next to me.

I lift my head, and my head aches.

"Chanhee?" I ask quietly at the boy in the black hoodie near the front door.

"Hey, you doing okay? Do you need anything?" he asks, not facing me.

"I'm good, thanks. How was recording?" I ask him.

"Oh- right. It was fine. Um, I'm going to change" Chanhee tries to speed walk past me but I notice something wrong. I stand up and take his arms.

"What's that?!" I ask, finally seeing his face. It's mostly hidden by his black hood but a clear prominent bleeding scratch is visible on his left cheek bone.

"It's nothing," Chanhee says quietly, trying to walk past me.

"No stop!" I go on my tip toes and pull the hood off his head. "Let me help you,"

I take his hand and make him sit by the kitchen table. I take out an emergency kit and put a bandaid on his face. At the close proximity I realize how surreal he looks, delicate features, and soft blue and blonde hair.

I realize he's holding his side so I slowly lift the side of his shirt up to expose multiple long scratches which are fortunately not bleeding. I can almost hear my heart beating faster. This boi is surprisingly fit. I carefully place bandaids and he flinches at my touch.

"Can you tell me what happened?" I ask him softly. Before he can respond his phone that is sitting on the counter near us flashes a message:

Felix 🥚
Hey, let me know if you catch the hooded person okay?
Text me if you need help :D

I look at the message and look back at Chanhee who avoids eye contact.

"Chanhee," I say firmly. "I didn't want you to get involved,"

"Hana, I told you I would be here for you. How do you expect me to if you won't let me help? This scratch is nothing, I just want to know you're safe," Chanhee says, finally looking me in the eye. When he does my breath hitches and my heart pounds.

"I-I know. But this is my fault that you're injured and that you were in danger. You didn't even catch the person did you?" I say.

"It's not your fault, I did this because I wanted to. And no, we didn't catch them. But we need a new plan. I can't sleep knowing this person is still after you," Chanhee says, running his hand through his hair.

"Fine, we'll talk tomorrow. Can you promise me you won't go out like that anymore?" I ask.

"I don't know if I can," He stares me down.

I sigh and look at my phone which glows a message from Eunbi.

Manager Lim said you can have the rest of the night off but you have to come back tomorrow :(
Sorry I really tried, but we have the Melon Music Awards coming up so we need to practice more

I stand up, "I should get back to my dorm. Um, please don't do anything stupid," I look back, Chanhee still looks worried but I'm more worried. I walk away awkwardly, usually we part ways joyfully. Before closing the dorm door I flick sleeping Kevin's forehead and leave.

I take the elevator down one floor because I'm worried I'll fall down the stairs. I enter my dorm and plop down on the couch. I'm rub my head, the headache from fainting and from this new problem. Chanhee's oversized sweatshirt comforts me in the silence of the empty dorm. I sigh, is this a first fight? not really, more just awkwardness. I know he cares, but I can't live knowing he got hurt because of me. Not knowing what to do I pull out my phone.

How do I keep Chanhee safe from you?
What do you want from me?

You're friends are quite cute. Weak, but cute.
If you want him safe it's very simple.

What is it?

Break his heart and meet me in a week.

When and where?

Don't worry
I'll find you.

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