Hey! That's my fish give it back

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As much as I wanted to say I'm fine, I'm really not. Was this all a mistake? I thought I loved dancing and performing, I thought I loved being on stage. But is it really worth all this risk?

I was still "going out" with Sunwoo, people have gotten tons of pictures, written tons of articles etc. But we have no choice but to continue with it- the CEO hasn't given us the sign that we can stop yet. NEON has gained a lot of attention and a lot of views. but what's the point of viewers when most of them are there to hate on me?

I put on jeans and a black hoodie and sunglasses, and  met Sunwoo in the lobby.

"Hi 'girlfriend'," he said as he stood up from his chair. 

"Hey" I said. Sunwoo seems to be getting more comfortable with this whole thing, but I still feel a pang of guilt everytime I see Chanhee's face. 

We were about to open the door when someone entered from the outside. He stared at us with his delicate eyes, his new blonde hair blowing softly in the wind. 

I still feel my heart beat everytime I see him. I haven't told anyone about how I kissed Chanhee. Not even Kevin. 

"Have fun," Chanhee said quietly, and quickly walked passed us. I glanced back at him as he fast walks to the elevator. 

"Let's go!" Sunwoo said, completely oblivious to the situation as he dragged me out. 

Today we went to the aquarium, and we were tasked to take separate pictures and post them on instagram. Sure, the pictures won't have the two of us but it's so obvious that we went to the same place together. 

I took a picture of Sunwoo as he posed by the sea otters, and he took a picture of me by the jellyfish. 

"So cute!!" he says as I post on my personal instagram. He likes the photo and we put our phones away. 

We continue walking and Sunwoo insists that he gets some merch so I wait outside the shop for him. I lean on a wall and observe the people around me. It must be nice to be a regular person... why am I thinking like this?? I'm so annoying, ugh, many people would kill to be in my position. I should just deal with it.

I open my eyes as someone grabs my wrist, but not in a romantic kdrama way. The hooded person drags me down the hall into a dark dead end. I don't scream for Sunwoo or for anyone as to not attract attention.

The person throws me against the wall and I groan as my back hits a doorstop. 

Three more people arrive and corner me, one of them throws off my hood.

"Hana Lee... Or should I say Hana Moon? Which do you prefer?" the person says.

"I don't know what you're talking about, you must have mistaken me for someone else," I say, and try to stand up.

One girl pushes me back down. 
"Don't play dumb. Oh wait, maybe you are actually. Who knows. But anyways. We are representatives from TheB and GLOW." The girl says, motioning to the other two boys and one other girl.

"TheB wants to say, leave Sunwoo alone. You may work at the same company, but you need to break up immediately. You are so selfish, and Sunwoo looks so unhappy recently. In fact Kevin and Chanhee look unhappy too. HUH? What's up with that? You ruin everything," the other girl says, as if she memorized her little speech.

One of the boys speaks up. He bends down to my level and cups my face. "You know, many people are wrong though, you are pretty." 

I shove him away as far as I can but the other boy pins me down. "Do you want to exchange phone numbers? That's what girls like you do right? Sunwoo won't care, don't worry," 

"Get off!" I struggle but they're too strong. Sunwoo why are you taking so freaking long!??  While the next person prepares their speech, I stretch my arms behind me into my back pocket and take out my phone. Without looking back I open it with my fingerprint, because yes, I do have an apple phone. And thank goodness, because I open the calling app easily because I made a widget for it :D life hacks. I tap on a random contact, put my volume all the way down and put it on speaker. 

I kicked the girls shins and she screamed, more out of surprise because my platform shoes are rock hard.

"Well, if you're gonna be like this. GLOWs just want to say, that you should leave the group. Youa are just a pretty face, you'll never dance as well as Kiki, you'll never sing as well as Eunbi, you'll never rap as well as Sujin, you'll never be as tall as Yuri, in fact. Scratch what i said before. You'll never be as pretty as Kiki." He says

"Leave the group, you're useless," the other boy says.

"How much surgery did you get?" the girl asks

"How long did you starve yourself huh? You're almost too thin, it hurts my eyes," the other girl says. 

Their comments sting and I feel my eyes tearing up because the girl hits my arms with her purse. At this point I don't know what to do, so I do the only thing I can do... talk.

"Are you done now?" I ask. "Are you done roasting me so you don't have to live your own life? You think I don't know this?? You think I don't know Kiki is prettier than me, that Eunbi has a better voice?? Well I wasn't expecting this. I didn't come to the Seoul National Aquarium to get beaten up, nevertheless, on the third floor in the hallway next to the bathrooms," 

"Pssh, look at her, how pathetic,"

"She's speaking nonsense,"

"I knew it, she's just crazy,"

The two boys start to drag me by my ankles to who knows where, when all the sudden two security guards came by, and the four crazy fans ran faster than dispatch reporters.

The guards started walking towards me as I sat still, leaning on the wall. But before they could get to me a boy wearing a large sunhat and mickey mouse glasses came barreling down the hall.

He shoved passed the guards and sprinted towards me. I knew as soon as I saw him, my favorite boy Choi Chanhee. 

Sorry sorry I haven't updated in a bit! I'm writing another story and I totally got distracted- so sorry! It's basically the same characters because I'm not creative sorry :( 

If you want, check it out, it's a love triangle this time because we all secretly live for those ;)

What's your favorite song from the Breaking Dawn album?? Guys I live for comments on my stories, plz comment LOL

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