Lay back

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I can't see anything but black. I only hear voices and I don't know if they're in my head or not.

"Maybe you should kiss her"


"That's what they do in the movies!"

"Aish, what to do with this kid..."

"Oh, Juyeon, you're back!"

"I'm sorry. I looked everywhere, I couldn't find the person,"


"Has anyone seen this?"

"Seen what?"

"Why does Hana have a huge scar down her arm?!"

"A scar?!"

I sit up immediately and grab my head because the light of the room startles me. I wince and close my eyes for a few seconds. When I open them I look around to see an unfamiliar bedroom. I'm sitting on the bed and Chanhee, Eunbi, and Kevin are sitting around me. Kevin is holding my arm, Jacob is standing near the door, and Juyeon is standing in the doorframe.

"Hana! You're alive!" Eunbi says a bit too loudly because it rings in my ears.

"Be quieter!" Chanhee says in a low voice.

"Sorry!" Eunbi whispers.

"Hana, what's my name?" Chanhee asks.

"Choi Chanhee," I answer slowly, getting a headache from just speaking.

"Who's my favorite singer?" Kevin asks.


"What's my favorite food?" Jacob says from across the room.


"What's the-" Chanhee interrupts whatever Juyeon was about to ask.

"I think we know she doesn't have memory loss by now," Chanhee says.

"What happened?" I ask, trying to recall memories from my not functioning brain.

"That stupid expersize coach made you run 3 miles in the snow! Without a jacket, without even a proper shirt!" Eunbi says, once again exceeding the indoor voice policy.

I look down to see that I'm now wearing an oversized white sweatshirt over my previous crop top.

"WHo's is this? Where are we even?" I ask.

"You sure she doesn't have memory loss?" Juyeon says, and Chanhee shushes him.

"It's Chanhee's," Kevin says. "We're in his and Changmin's dorm, you're on his bed,"

"OH oKaY," i say, trying not to overthink it, i've never actually been in his dorm that much.

"But there was another thing," Jacob speaks up. "that person?"

"Oh yeah, when we got out of the building before you collapsed, some person in all black was running away. What did they do to you?" Chanhee asks.

"Huh..? Person- what person, I don't know..." I say.

"And what's this?" Kevin holds up my scar, he doesn't look happy.

"Um. I don't know," I look down at my fingernails.

"Hana," Chanhee says softly, leaning closer so I see him from the corner of my eye.

"Fine. I've kinda been getting text threats. And I kind of got attacked by this person a couple weeks ago. They kind of scratched me. And I kind of ran into them when I was running today, and they kind of wanted me to make some sort of deal before I went unconscious," I explain quickly.

"WHAT?!" everyone says except chanhee.

"You didn't tell me any of this??" Kevin says, I glance at him. he doesn't look mad like Sunwoo would but disappointed.

"I'm offended!" Eunbi scoffs.

"I didn't think it was worth it! I didn't think it would bother me," I say quietly.

"oh you 'kind of' thought it wasn't a big deal?! Hana, I'm your brother why didn't you say anything," Kevin leans back on the wall next to the bed.

"I don't know... I was going to, but then this happened anyways,"

"Okay. Right, this happened. We'll just make sure that it won't happen again," Kevin says, calming down.

"Right. but what do we do now?" Juyeon asks.

"I think Hana should rest. We should inform the manager that she's sick too," Chanhee says.

"Please, don't tell her about the person," I say.

"Why not?" Jacob asks.

"It's more of a private matter. I don't want the CEO getting involved, who knows what she'll do," I say.

"Okay, but we will complain to them about Jihun. He's been a nuisance ever since he arrived here," Eunbi adds.

"Fine with me,"

"Okay then it's settled. Jacob and Juyeon, go complain about Jihun to the CEO, and bring Eric, he's good at complaining. Eunbi, go tell the rest of NEON what happened, and tell your manager that Hana needs some time off. Kevin go to the store and get medicine," Chanhee orders everyone and they run off.

I stare at the wall awkwardly, knowing Chanhee is staring at me.


"save it for later," I stop him before he nags again.

"Fine. But I was going to say that just so you know, Sunwoo was the one who informed us that you collapsed." Chanhee says, sitting on the edge of the bed.

"really?" I say quietly.

"yes. I don't know what he told you the other night. But he will want to be friends again someday," Chanhee says. "Just remember that."

"I will." I check the fitbit watch. Only 2 miles on it, I sigh.

Chanhee takes it off my wrist and yeets it out the window.

"There, it's done," He says. I smile at him, but I can feel how forced it is.

"You don't have to smile all the time. It's just me, you don't have to tire yourself," Chanhee says.

"Okay," I say resting my head on the wall behind me.

"You should sleep," Chanhee says, standing up.

"We were going to hang out today," I frown.

"It's okay, we can next weekend," he says, ruffling my hair and leaving the room. I lay back in the bed and look around for a bit. His room is very organized, it's mostly light grey or white with some pastels here and there. I rest my head on the pillow and take in the sweet smell of strawberries before I drift off to sleep.

A/n guys "the sweet smell of strawberries" omg what's wrong with me. I literally closed my eyes when writing that bc of the cringe. Ok bye <3


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