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Despite wanting to cry I managed to smile as Chanhee ran towards me in his funny sunglasses and hat. He kneeled down and with the most worried expression examined my face and arms and ankles. 

"Please get bandaids," he ordered the security guards. they looked surprised as if saying 'what kind of cosplay character just storms in here and orders us around'. But they scurried away because of Chanhee's tone. 

"What's with your disguise?" I asked.

"Shut up, I was by the lost and found when i got your... er, call," He says. "What was that about?!"

"I don't know, I was just, with Sunwoo and he went to get merch and all the sudden these four people threw me into this hall and just started insulting me and-" I stopped talking when my voice cracked and I started sobbing.

Chanhee's face went from annoyed nagging to soft and worried. He immediately hugged me and patted my head.

"No, I don't want to cry," I cried.

"It's okay, you should." He said. Chanhee pulled back and I wiped my tears quickly. "This might be a bad time to bring it up. But this is the same position we were in on the bridge that night," 

I laugh, "right... about that-" Chanhee frog jumps away when a security guard taps him on the back and hands him three bandaids. 

"Just um, call us if you  need anything," They said, still looking confused and walked away. 

Chanhee scoots back next to me and I take the bandages but he takes them back and unwraps it. "Give me your arm," he says.

I do as he says and he places the bandaids carefully as if I were made of glass. The places the final one on my cheekbone where the girl slapped me earlier, and before he steps back he pecks the spot where the bandaid is. 

We look at each other in surprise, and then laugh because we had the same exact reaction. 

Chanhee quickly gets up and helps me up. "You know Hana, I still-" before he can finish his sentence Sunwoo comes running down the hallway, tripping over his own feet. 

"HANA  I-" he stops when he sees my arm around Chanhee. "Thank god Jihyo," he bends over like a grandpa trying to catch his breath. "I looked on every floor for you, Chanhee how did you get here to fast?" 

"You looked on every floor except the one you left me on?!?!?" I step away from Chanhee to whack his arm.

"I'm so sorry. Really, I really am. I shouldn't have left you, i had no idea this would happen." Sunwoo pants.

"oBviously neither did I! But it's okay I guess, did you at least get your merch?" I asked him. 

"Yep, I got stuffed animal keychains for everyone," Sunwoo holds up his small plastic bag. 

"Good," I say. "We should probably scram, who knows where those attackers went,"

"Yeah good idea. Where did your hoodie go?" Chanhee asks me.

"Those people took it off to see if it was really me," I sigh. Kevin got me that hoodie.

"Ah," Chanhee sighs, rolling his eyes dramatically as he takes off his white sweatshirt and plops it on my head.

"Thanks," I say through the fabric, I pull it down and it goes to my knees, sometimes I forget how tall Chanhee actually is, and how I barely reach his shoulders.

We take the elevator down to the first floor where we take a bus back to the building. 

They drop me off at my dorm room, and Sunwoo says "Hana, I really am sorry. I shouldn't have left you, it's all my fault," 

"It's really okay. I promise, I'm not that hurt anyways," I force a big smile.

"Okay, go to to sleep soon, tomorrow we have a full staff meeting I think," Chanhee reminds me. "Also clean your wounds okay? But don't forget to eat dinner. Tell your bandmates what happened too okay?" Chanhee nags.

"Yeah yeah, thanks," I mutter. As I close the door I hear Chanhee and Sunwoo walking down the hallway, Chanhee whacking Sunwoo for leaving me alone.

As much as I want to be independently tough and protect myself, in this day and age I know it's pretty much impossible. 

The rest of the NEON girls are in my dorm playing cards, so I join them and tell them what happened.

"That's horrible!" Yuri says.

"Thank goodness Chanhee arrived quickly," Luna says.

"Hana, are you sure you want to continue with this Sunwoo thing?" Sujin asks.

"Yeah, it seems like you've been getting in a lot of trouble for it," Eunbi adds.

"Honestly, I don't. But It's not like I have a choice." I say truthfully.

"That's true, maybe you should bring it up at the meeting tomorrow," Luna suggests.

"Good idea," Kiki says.

"Okay, I will. I'm actually gonna sleep, i had a long day," I stand up. Everyone agrees and goes back to their dorm. 

I start to climb up the bunk bed stairs and notice something on my bed.

"Oh, right, Hana someone left an envelope outside our dorm. It has your name on it so i just put it here," Eunbi tells me.

"Ah, thanks," I sit on my bed and open the letter.

Hana, what did I tell you? Stop purposefully causing attention to yourself. Break up with Sunwoo immediately, it is only hurting NEON and The Boyz. If you don't I will pay you a visit in 3 days. 

I widen my eyes. I'm so confused, who could this be? How did they get inside  the building? Maybe I'd better meet with Chanhee tomorrow too.



Chanhee 🍅🍰



Geez were you always such a dry texter?

Chanhee 🍅🍰

Aren't you supposed to be asleep?


Something came up... can we meet after the staff meeting tomorrow?

Chanhee 🍅🍰

Sure. Something wrong?


Idk, maybe.

Chanhee 🍅🍰

Fine, go to sleep it's late already. 


Fine fine bye 

Stay Away - Choi Chanhee the boyz NewWhere stories live. Discover now