The start

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After I got out of the shower I headed to the room with our bunk bed and solo bed. Yuri was asleep already in her solo bed and Eunbi was with the other girls in their dorm. But before I slept I have to check my phone.

I scrolled a bit down in the comments of our music video. There were comments in many different languages but an English one got my attention. It said:

Ayo guys before you Stan them check out this post, or at least be cautious around Hana LOL:

Confused, I clicked on its replies:

Omggg Kiki is my bias for sure, Hana is not that pretty anyways.

Her voice is nothing special. Lol how can she even compare to Kevin??

Wow why weren't the visual or singing genes passed on?!

Lol gen z idols are messed up

Wow she sounds like a terrible person, but I'll still Stan them bc I like Eunbi <3

Ugh I hate her

Guys they just debuted none of this is confirmed

^whoever wrote that are you blind?! They provided a picture idiot

Okay, now I'm really confused. I clicked on the link the original comment had and gasped even at the title:

NEON's Hana Lee is not what she seems...

I continued reading the whole post:

Dearest kpop fans. If you are like me you Stan The boyz so decided to look at the cre.ker's new group NEON.

I'm here to tell you to be warned. My name is Miji Hwang and I went to the mall earlier today. I happen to ask a boy to take a picture of me and guess what- it was Choi chanhee and Kevin!! However there was another girl with them, she automatically assumed we wanted a picture of her so said no (chanhee didn't even get to respond to me). I politely told her that I just wanted a picture of myself and my friends but she yelled at me aggressively and told me that I'm a nobody. Implying that I should be jealous of her. She took off her mask and it was none other than Hana Lee. But that's not all, Kevin came forwards in attempt to stop the fight but revealed that Hana is his sister. Meaning Hana changed her last name just for show. Disrespectful to her family too :( in conclusion, Hana Lee (or should I say Hana Moon) is arrogant, rude, overrated, doesn't deserve to debut and only got into creker because of her talented brother. Picture of evidence provided below. That's my picture I took of Kevin and chanhee but you can see Hana to the left of Kevin.

Please do NOT hate Kevin Moon for this or the boyz, he can't control his psycho sister. I am now afraid to go to this mall in fear I will run into her and she will scream at me again. - Miji Hwang

I dropped my phone. Too stunned to speak or breathe. This is more than just a hate comment, this is a full on rumor, it's one thing to say I'm not pretty but this Miji girl completely changed the story of what actually happened. She forgot to mention the fact that she ripped off my mask, insulted me, and I didn't yell at her. And If anything I should be the one scared to go back to that mall.

I scoffed, there's no way people could believe this right?! I took out my phone again and immediately regretted it because the comments on that post were even worse than the ones on YouTube.

I tried to take a deep breathe and put it past me so I put my foot on the ladder to go to my bunk bed but my arms were shaking too much so I slipped and fell.

"Hana? Are you okay?" Yuri asked from her sleep.

"Yeah, sorry," I said and left the room quickly. I closed the door and tugged at the collar of my black t shirt because I felt my throat have the closing feeling. My breathes got more shallow so I quickly grabbed the room key and dashed out the dorm. I saw out of the corner of my eyes Eunbi rounding the corner towards me so I ran the other direction towards the stairs. I ran all the way down the stairs and out the back door. The freezing cold of the night hit me but it felt better than the suffocating entertainment building. I ran down the block to a nearby park bench that overlooked some kind of body of water. The streetlights were on so I could still see the blossoms that were nearly gone on the trees. It was actually a pretty park, because there was a nice bridge and lots of trees, it helped me calm down a bit.

Chanhee POV

I was about to fall asleep when I heard a knock on my door. Since Changmin sleeps further away from the door I have to answer it. I put on my circle glasses (no prescription but they look cool) and opened the door. I was surprised to see Eunbi standing there.
    "Chanhee," she said. "I saw Hana just bolt out of her dorm, she told me she was going to sleep but she was tugging at her shirt when she ran away. She does that when... when you know she feels panicky. I'm too tired to run after her, I think she went that way."

    I widened my eyes, it's pretty dangerous at night in Korea, unfortunately especially for women. I nodded my head, thanked her and grabbed my jacket and shoes. Eunbi went back to the dorm as I took the elevator to the lobby. I looked outside the building but didn't see her. I ran down the block shivering in the cold. I saw a girl sitting on a bench across the street with her head in her hands. I'm almost positive it's her, but I decided to just keep watch from afar because I know she likes to be alone sometimes.

Suddenly I saw two figures, they were wearing pastel hoodies, but they came up to Hana. No matter their bright clothing, creeps in korea could be disguised in anything. I took out my phone to call her...

Stay Away - Choi Chanhee the boyz NewWhere stories live. Discover now