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I felt my heart beat fast, at first I thought I was having a heart attack until Chanhee pulled me closer to him. We pulled apart and both jumped back and fell when my phone rang and scared both of us. We laughed and I picked it up. 

"oh, Kevin," I put him on speaker.

"Where are you!??" He yelled.

"I'm with Chanhee outside," I said.

"OMG," we heard kevin catch his breath for a full minute on the other end of the phone. "I knocked on every door. *huff* Eunbi said she hadn't seen you leave. I thought you got *huff* kidnapped,"

"It's okay Kevin," Chanhee said to the phone. "I'm here too, we're about to go inside before we get sick."

"You mean before you get sick. You didn't bring a jacket," I said. Chanhee stood up and dusted his duck pj pants off.

"Fine then, let's get going. But i'm not cold anyways," he sassed and helped me up.

"See you Kevin," I said and hung up. We headed back to the Cre.Ker building.

"Now that you said your feelings..." Chanhee said. Oh no i know what's coming

"Why did you go out in the middle of the night? Leave a note next time, or tell Eunbi at least. Better yet, tell Luna. Or tell me. Do you even have your room key? And you're only wearing flip flops for peet's sake! You might as well have gone bare foot. Bring a thicker jacket and a buddy next time. It's dangerous late a night, I know you can throw a punch but what if there is more than one person?" he huffed.

"Done?" I asked. He side eyed me but smiled.

"Ahjumma," I muttered.

"What was that??" he scoffed. Yes, chanhee scoffs a lot.

"Nothing," I said. He started walking faster, nope Choi Chanhee waits for nobody. I speed walked and we ended up sprinting back to the back door of the building.

"Go to bed child, tomorrow's sunday so we can hang out again," Chanhee patted my head. I was about to say something but closed my mouth like a fish and just smiled at him.

When I arrived at my dorm I got a text from Kevin and Chanhee goodnight and finally fell asleep.

The next day I woke up around 10 am, somehow I slept through Eric's alarm. At lunch NEON ate all together and I decided to tell them what's been going on. They all felt sympathetic but could also had a feeling something was going on.

Unfortunately I haven't seen Chanhee all day so we couldn't talk about our... the uh.. the meeting last night. I left my phone outside of the convenience store earlier today so I went out to go get it. On my way I saw Sunwoo.

"Oh hi, here's your phone I thought I recognized it," Sunwoo said.

"Ah thank you!" I smiled and took it from him. All of the sudden we heard a buzzing noise. He shrieked and I realized a bee had landed in his hair.

"Hold still," I said and stood on my tip toes and rearranged his bangs a bit to see where it went.

"Ah HURRY UP" he shrieked again.

"Geez calm down,"I told him and flicked it off easily. It landed near his feet so he ran off dragging me with him. We came back into the Cre.Ker building and parted ways. For about three hours I studied english and did dance practice.

At around 4 I heard a loud scream so I went out into the lobby to see who it was. I saw Kevin Chanhee Changmin and Sunwoo walking back to their dorms. Sunwoo looked like he just saw a ghost, Changmin looked confused and Chanhee looked at me... disappointed? Confused I stepped up to speak to them but Kevin patted my shoulder and said, "the company lady wants to meet with you,". I just nodded and headed to her main office on the second floor.

I knocked on the door and she yelled come in. I haven't met with her that much, but I've heard she can be pretty strict. I bowed and sat down on a chair across from her desk.

"You wanted so see me?" I asked formally.

"Yes, Hana. Congratulations on your debut. But I'll cut straight to the case," she said not smiling at all. I gulped. "Right now, the public has an interesting view of you. There are those who are invested in creating, believing and spreading scandals about you. Whether they were true or not we were able to diffuse them quick enough. The rest of NEON's fans, GLOW right? Well the rest of them are completely oblivious to all of this somehow." She looked through a folder of papers.

"We have the girl who first confronted you, insulted you and then twisted the story. They found out that you are Kevin Moon's sister, and the comments spreading that story on YouTube, the hateful comments on your performance, and the person who threw a water bottle at you. This is all that you are aware of correct?" she looked up at me.

I nodded and frowned, "Is-is there more?"

"Hm. For your sake I will spare the details. But this is not the point of this meeting. There's another thing that arose just a few hours ago. It spread slowly, so not all GLOW know about it. However this scandal, we can use to our advantage."

I gulped, "Wh-what is it?"

"Regarding your relationship status..." she scrolled through her computer screen. "But don't worry, if we handle it right this will bring more attention and popularity to NEON as well as the Boyz. You do want that don't you?"

My throat went dry, "Um, of course. But relationship with who may I ask?"

"Kim Sunwoo."

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