The Party

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Despite the sour mood I was put in from Sunwoo's confession, I forced myself to go to the dorm to get ready for this formal meet and greet. Eunbi and Yuri are just starting to get ready when I arrive at the dorm. My phone dinged so I took it out of my pocket to see messages from Chanhee.

Chanhee 🍅🍰
Hey, you okay?

Yeah, thanks for sending Kevin over, you know me well :)

Chanhee 🍅🍰
Yeah yeah no problem I guess.

Anyways, what are you wearing? Ms. Yang said it was formal but idk what that means.

Chanhee 🍅🍰
You didn't hear?
We're wearing our stage outfits. All the groups going are because they're doing random performances.
This is what I'm wearing

This is what I'm wearing

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Chanhee 🍅🍰
So what? It's fashion what would you know about it?

Not that! You're outfit is fine geez
I have to wear my stupid stage dress 🙄

Chanhee 🍅🍰
Oh shoot
forgot about that sry. You'll survive, besides all the other idols won't judge you at all.
Trust me.

Okay 😢 thanks ig. I just want a night in 😩
I wasn't planning on socializing so much

Chanhee 🍅🍰
But I can stay with you the whole night if you want.

Thank youuuu
luv u

Chanhee 🍅🍰
I know.
I love me too.
Read 6:30

'Luv u'  Why?! Why did i say that?! I must be going crazy. Whatever, I have to get ready.

I pick up my too-short-one-sleeve-neon dress that I wear to every stage, and the freaking high heel boots. I know I know, champagne problems or whatever.
The only thing I like about my stage outfit is the black arm warmer because Chanhee said he wears his to the stage sometimes too. I quickly put the outfit and the two glove things and my shoes on.

"You ready?" I ask Eunbi, standing by the door.
"Almost," Eunbi says, applying her lip gloss. Yuri is already waiting downstairs.

She puts her makeup in her hand purse and turns back to me. "Woah woah woah woah woah," (lets pump it up!)

"What?" I ask her.
"You're not ready!" She exclaims.
"Huh? I've been ready for the past five minutes," I say.
Before I can argue Eunbi takes me to the bathroom, gives me a makeover and waves my hair.

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