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"Hana, move more to your right for this move," kiki shifts me a few centimeters over. "Okay. Again,"

I sigh internally, we've been practicing live singing and dancing for Paper Planes 12 times already. There's an extra dance break, and usually I would be thrilled to be center for a whole 25 seconds, but I still have a migraine and my body aches even more now.

We rehearse again, and Eunbi's voice cracks. Yes, not to mention I'm starting to lose my voice as well due to my sore throat.

"Again," kiki says, this time we all internally sigh.

"Kiki, can we take a break or finish? We've been practicing this same song for 6 hours," Luna says.

"Guys. This isn't just some performance, this is for the Melon Music awards. All the big names will be there. We have to work hard to succeed. It has to be perfect," Kiki says. Yep, since Kiki has had the most years of training she's the most perfectionist.

Luna sighs, knowing there's not convincing her. Kiki's whole life is dedicated to her idol career, it's basically the only thing she cares about lol. other than us of course. She is the all rounder of the group, as well as the most popular. I guess that's why people keep comparing my visuals with her, she has it all.

"Okay, one more time," Kiki starts the music and we begin from the beginning. At the final dance break I finally break down. My head throbs, legs fail me and I fall down unconscious.

~30 minutes later~

I open my eyes and wince at the bright light of the room. No, not again!

I sit up, speaking to whoever else is in the room, "How long was I out?!"

"Woah woah woah woah woah," Chuu strides closer to the couch I'm sitting on.
"Just relax," Luna says.

I lean my back on the sofa. "Okay, now I'm relaxed. how long was I out?"

"Only like half an hour, We carried you back to the dorm and Chuu happened to call you so we answered and here she is!" luna explains.

"Oh, thanks. Chuu if you were busy you didn't have to come" I say.

"No don't worry! We just finished practicing for melon," She answers.

"That's good," I say. "Wait! We have to go practice!" I leap off the couch and walk towards the front door.

"Nooo, you're staying here!" Luna pushes me back to the couch.

"Yeah, clearly you're sick. If you want to perform at the awards event you have to get better now," Chuu says.

"But what about Kiki? We weren't finished. I practiced in this state when I was a trainee, I'm fine," I say.

"Hm. I don't recall you getting hypothermia and then a cold when you were a trainee," Luna says.

"Well, maybe not exactly, but just let me go!" I say, standing up.

"Chuu, get her, I know what will make her stay," Luna rushes out of my dorm and Chuu sits next to me on the couch.

"Hana please!" Chuu says. "Heejin says she hopes you get better soon by the way,"

"Oh, tell her thank you," I say. We both go on our phones and I check the VLive app. I notice The Boyz did a VLive yesterday and I click on it. Only to see the comments of my worst fears.

Sunwoo looks so sad :(
I hope sunwoo is okay.
Chanhee looks tired as well, what's with his bandaid?
For some reason I have a feeling this has to do with Hana, she's been oddly quiet recently 🐍
^IKR since Kevin looks distressed too, he's her brother. Maybe Sunwoo and Hana broke up? Why is Chanhee sad tho? Ugh she ruins everyone's lives.

Hana leave my boyz alone 🙄
Maybe Sunwoo and Hana broke up, I haven't seen recent pics.
Kevin are you okay?
The members who are usually so lively...
What has Hana been up to recently 🧐
Poor boyz 🥺

I fight back the need to throw myself out the window. This is my fault. This all is. I should just disappear.

The front door swings open again. Luna ushers Chanhee towards the couch area.

"What is it? What happened?" he asks.

"She passed out again during practice," Luna says.

"I'm fine," I argue.

"No, you're not, please Hana, just rest for a second," Chanhee says, walking closer. I remember the events of our disagreement earlier today and I stand up quickly.

"No- really. I'm fine. We need to go practice- you should practice too," I stutter and rush out of the door awkwardly. I feel terrible, but I want to keep him safe like the anonymous person suggested.

"Did you get in a fight?" Luna asks Chanhee in the dorm.

"No, well not really," He says, standing awkwardly.

"If you hurt her, I'll hurt you," Chuu says, putting her best scary face on.

"Okay," Chanhee slowly backs out of the dorm, hoping to catch Hana before she leaves.

I sprint down the stairs, practically skipping steps to get to the dance room. Unfortunately Mr. Chanhee long legs catches up to me quickly.

He takes a hold of my hand and I don't look back at him.

"Hana, stop,"
I don't respond.

"Are you ignoring me? Are you mad? I'm just trying to take care of you. Please,"

I look back at him, fighting tears, remembering the bleeding injuries from my stalker.

"Chanhee, I think maybe... we should take a break," I say, looking at his shoes.
"W-what?" His voice shakes.

"We're both busy. And I think I'm not ready. I have so much stress recently, I just need some time to myself," I say slowly, lying with every word. And I'm a burden to you.

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