Adventure time ft. Felix of Skz

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Flashback to 5 hours ago // Chanhee's point of view

I close the door as quietly as possible when I see Hana fall asleep. I never admitted to her, but she's just as pretty as me ✨

I take a deep breath as I stand in the living room. There's been so much going on for Hana, I've never been a boyfriend before. I don't know if I'm doing it right, if I'm supporting her enough. I just want to take all of her worries away, but I may have an idea to get rid of one.

I create a group chat with me, Juyeon, Hyunjae, and Felix, who I've been close with for a bit.

We all have an E in our names

Hey guys.
I need your help, meet me at the Kim Convenience Store in five minutes.

If you get me fried chicken

I'll be there!

I'm here already :)

I put my phone in my pocket and pick through the jacket rack by the front door. I smile at the thought of Hana wearing my oversized sweatshirt. I pick out a black zip up and pull the hood over my head.

I push back my bright colored hair as much as I can and head out the door quietly.

I fast walk to the convenience store and see Juyeon, Hyunjae, and Felix waiting outside.

"So why're we here?" Hyunjae asks

"I need help catching someone. I'm not sure how much detail I'm aloud to give out, but this is for Hana's safety." I explain.

"No problem, I'll always help a friend," Felix says. Juyeon nods.

"Okay, so I'm looking for a person who was wearing all black, they headed this way a like an hour ago-"

All of the sudden a tall teenage boy walks towards us. He is wearing the convenience store uniform.

"Excuse me, I think I might be able to help. A person who matches the description ran by here and stole a  blue umbrella and just kept running. I think they headed up that hill," the teen points to a popular hiking hill about a mile away.

"Thank you so much!" I say and the teen nods as we leave.

"Okay, so you called us here to exercise," Hyunjae complains. I roll my eyes and continue leading my friends to the hill.

We stop at the base of the hill.
"Look," Juyeon points to a blue umbrella propped up against the hiking sign.

"They must be near here," Felix adds.

"Okay, juyeon and hyunjae look around this area on low grounds. Felix and I will hike up the hill and look. Make sure to pull your masks all the way up and hoods on," I instruct them. They nod and Juyeon and Hyunjae walk away together.

I nod at Felix and we start up the hill.

"I hope everything's okay mate," Felix says.

"Yeah. Me too, you know, well why don't I just tell you. Hana and I are dating," I say, looking at my feet hiking up the hill.

"Really?! Wow! I had a feeling, you match well," Felix pats my back.

"Thanks. It's just she has a lot going on. I'm sure you've seen a lot of it already on the internet," I say and Felix nods.

"But- Hana is truly a good person, but she covers up any pain she's holding in, and makes sure everyone around her is happy. But she needs to be more selfish sometimes! It can be hard to keep things inside all the time you know?" I say.

"Yeah. I know you both will figure it out, I'm glad I can help," Felix smiles. I smile back but freeze when I hear a twig snap.

"Was that you?" I whisper to Felix. He shakes his head no.

By now it's no longer snowing but there is still a layer of snow on the ground.

"Who's there?" I shout, not knowing what else to say. From the corner of my eye I see a hooded figure trying to sneak past us behind a couple trees.

Felix catches on and we charge towards the person. Felix is able to trip the person and they fall to the floor.

"What do you want with Hana?" I ask, awkwardly holding the person's arms down.

The person doesn't answer but instead easily pushes me off, darn my delicate limbs. Felix attempts to lunge again but is quickly shoved away. The person is a bit shorter than both of us, but incredibly strong.

"Look, we can just talk," I say through my black face mask. Felix and I stand in front of and in back of the person. I guess they decide to go for the weaker one because the hooded person takes a stick from the floor and slashes right under my left eye, the classic injury spot in a kdrama.

I stumble back in surprise, if you couldn't tell I've never been in a fight before. The person shoves me back and I slide down the hill before landing on my side. They elbow Felix in the ribs and run down the other side of the hill, disappearing without a word.

I groan and get up slowly. I walk over to Felix, holding my side.

"You okay?" I ask, with strain in my voice.
"I'm fine," he says, still hunched over a bit.

"I'm sorry i dragged you into this. It turned out to be useless, now we're just injured" I say.

"No, it's okay. It was nice to get out of JYP for a while and run freely I guess," Felix says.

"This makes me even more worried for hana though, I didn't realize how violent this person was," I say.

"Yeah. Chanhee what are you going to do? Get your managers involved?" Felix asks me.

"I'm not sure yet. I'll just start by speaking to Hana. By the way don't tell her we went out to catch this person. She'll feel really guilty, and I know she wants to solve this all herself," I say.

"Of course. I hope everything ends well," Felix says and we head back down the hill.

We meet hyunjae and Juyeon.

"Woah, what happened?" Juyeon asks.

"We saw the person but they didn't speak at all and fought us and ran," I explain, still holding my side.

"Let's head back, we have practice tomorrow, we can talk tomorrow too," Hyunjae suggests.

"Okay, be sure to fill me in on everything," felix adds. The four of us agree and Felix heads back to JYP, and we head back to the Cre.Ker building.

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