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The knight looked up, he seemed better now with his face cleaned and his wounds healed, but the champion's tunic was still a disaster, Impa approached startling the blond who took a couple of steps back -¿How is the princess ? - Asked without caring about breaking into that "little" detail called "personal bubble", Link began to gesticulate.

Urbosa cleansed her and Mipha healed her, they said that she fainted fue to exhaustion since she used her power a lot in addition for not having rested since the calamity started.

-¿And what are you doing so far from your princess then? ¿Isn't it the duty of the princess's knight to take care of her at all time? - Revali asked, crossing his wings waiting for the youngest to turn around and go back to his lookout position, which would amuse him.

The only thing he received was the look of his sky blue-eyes without energy, he looked more tired than Zelda when she passed out; Link was talented, but he pushed his whole being to the limit, even so the knight responded with his sign language.

King Rhoam ordered me to rest; Urbosa too, she didn't let me return to my guard post; Zelda is resting on her room, I'll go to mine, I'm sorry for causing so much trouble with this.

Not even Purah dared to say something to break the uncomfortable silence, during the calamity the rest of them, even champions, took turns to rest in front of some ruins next to some bonfire, a camp, the shelter of a house kindly offered by someone.

But Link and Zelda; Well ... It was another story.

Once he finished his gesturing, he bowed before Impa in the form of apology and withdrew from there avoiding to make eye contact with Revali -Little knight- called the rito after feeling him walk by his side, he perceived from Link the smell of earth as soon as they were a few meters away.

¿What was he going to say? He just called him by his nickname instinctively and heard how the boy paused his march to turn around, the archer turned his head to see him sideways.

-Make sure to rest well, and contemplating that there is no other remedy, for now I believe that I'll be the one who will take care of the princess, perhaps I'll do such a good job in it that maybe I would be promoted as her new knight- he said with the last marked in his typical arrogance.

Link nodded not giving any importance (but glad for the support of the rito) to resume his path until the sound of his footsteps got lost in those absorbing echoes from the corridors.

The sheikah and the rito continued on their way seeing some soldiers who were in charge of placing broken furniture such as rubble in cloth bags, it would be the work of the servants but before the threat of Ganon, Rhoam sent them away with their families to evacuate along with the rest of the civilians.

He saw that some of them began to place a pile of wood planks in a pleasant conversation, they were the soldiers he had seen a few moments ago.

-Impa, ¿Can I ask you a question? - the aforementioned saw him out of the corner of her eye for a few moments -¿Huh? Well ... Of course Revali, ¿What is it? - she asked while turning his head to the front - Since when did the little knig- i mean, Link became a soldier? - He asked doing his best to feign disinterest

- To be honest, I don't know; I met him when Purah found out how the sheikah slate worked and gave it to me so I could give it to the princess; And the war against Ganon basically started, I don't know more than you about him, just that you two and the other champions are very formidable in combat- she answered.

The rito involuntarily puffed out his chest with pride after hearing that last thing, at least someone acknowledged his effort during the chaos.

-¿Why's the question? ¿Huh? - Purah asked, stopping her march, breaking into Revali's path, leaning towards him with her hands behind her back and a mischievous smile on her lips; He put a wing in a "stop" gesture to avoid the invasion of his personal bubble and deflected his gaze.

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