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-First we gotta see what you would do if you were on Zelda's dilema, ¿What would you do to conquer the person you like?- Revali asked extending his wing towards Link, in addition to feeling genuine curiosity, the knight looked at him like a troubled child - Little knight...¿H-Have you ever fallen in love before? -

Link started gesturing.

I honestly don't know how it feels; Sometimes feelings of wanting to hold someone's hand came, I remember when I felt something for Isha but I immediately discarded it because she was lovesick for someone of her age; Actually i did felt something same as for Isha, that time it was another soldier, Kafei was his name ... But he already had a girlfriend in his hometown ... I just wanted to be with that person and hold hands... ¿Is that falling in love?

Revali looked at him silently; Link was a child in love, the simple desire to hold hands and spend time with "that" person were pure desires that could only be experienced during childhood, or so he believed.

He was surprised by the ease of the little knight confidently admitting his attraction towards girls and boys. ¿Did his father knew by now? That old man noticed everything, probably Arn already knew that he was gay, old people had powers to detect those things.

-Yes Link... that is falling in love, but it's only the first thing that you feel- he began to say in an calm tone, he remembered feeling just as lost when he discovered his own sexuality -Tell me, besides holding hands or spending your time with that person ¿What would you have done with Isha or that "Kafei" soldier-boy? - he asked.

I would take that special someone to places that I like, oh and I would look at that person a lot, I would prepare delicious food for that person, I would hug that person, I would ask that person to comb my hair. But I don't know if Zelda has already done it with Mipha and she asked me for advice for tomorrow.

The rito had to put a wing up gesturing a  "pause", he felt his feathers fluffed up "This is not an adult, he's a kid in the body of a young man, too innocent" he thought to himself -What you say is very cheesy, but I think we should look for more things - Revali commented -I will go with you to see the princess, after all I already knew her "little secret" before you arrived- he said intoning the last sentence in a certain pride.

But if you go, Zelda would kill me, I promised not to tell anyone, and I barely have a friend of my age, it's not easy to be mute and have friends, you know?

-Don't worry Linky, I can say that I listened to the conversation, I miss being your age with such tender concerns- the rito said -Now change, it's time to sleep- Revali said turning his back to take off his armor and scarf, he could hear Link doing the same -I hope that the hylians don't sleep naked - commented this one in sarcasm "It is better not, the castles are very cold for their species, this place is cold as my village".

Link made a "Mm" in the form of denial, the rito now wore what looked like a thinner shirt made of cotton with the patterns and a symbol of his tribe in its center -¿Can I turn to turn off the candles? - A couple of minutes passed, the hylian hastening the rhythm with which he changed, then an affirmative sound from the knight told him that he could turn around.

He turned to see Link in his typical shirt and pants, he was relieved that Link was no longer wearing the uniform that made him look more mature than he mentally or really was -Okay then- Revali directed his wing towards the light source, Link paid close attention to how the rito used his wing to create currents so strong or moderate with only them.

Revali made a slightly strong air torrent shaking the chandelier a little causing the fire to fade, now the only thing that illuminated the room was the moonlight coming through the windows of the room.

-That's it, Good night Linky- he leaned back in the hammock.

Link took shelter resting his head on the bed's soft pillows, it was an excellent bed, he began to move feeling the silk under his bare feet and wrapped himself in the sheets, the softest he ever had.

The little knight was giggling softly, this was the best bed to sleep he'd had in months; After enjoying the pleasure of finally sleeping in such an excellent place, he fell asleep.

Revali stayed awake and smiled a little big at the small satisfactory and cute sounds from his roommate, he looked up at the moon.

"I think I have an idea of ​​what is happening with me, but he is a kiddo, well for me ... he's one and within two months I will be 25 and he is still pretty young, just listening to him shows that he still need live a little more years" he began to listen to the gentle snoring coming from Link.

"He needs more a friend, this little knight lived more isolated from the world than me ... If I continue to feel the same way by that time and I or him still cannot find someone else, I may will consider courting him... But not for now; He needs friends, not someone who takes advantage of his ignorance and innocence ."After coming to terms with himself, he closed his eyes trying to sleep.


-Link! I told you to keep it as a secret! - Zelda exclaimed; After breakfast the knight sneaked out with the rito champion to the princess's study room, Link shrugged again with his royal guard outfit on, before he could use his hands to communicate, the rito stepped forward.

-Majesty, I suggested to the little knight of yours to bring me to this "super secret meeting", because sincerely your feelings towards Princess Mipha have been quite evident for a long time, when you both stayed to speak at the exit of the library I hid in a corner that turns to the corridors to hear you and finally affirmed my assumptions- said Revali, as he spoke princess's cheeks turned redder.

The rito saw her tense and Zelda took some steps back until she came across the desk, the archer smiled in amusement.

Revali cleared his throat -Don't worry, my beak is sealed, no other champion seems to have noticed it - he added later, Zelda straightened up and sighed while laying a hand to over her chest, it seemed that her heart would scape from her body at any moment from the fright.

Zelda sat in front of the desk and the champions a sat on a couple of seats at the other side, the princess fixed her gaze on Link questioningly.

I asked him for help because I don't have much experience with love either.

-You're both kids who have been forced to grow up, busy with royalty duties or military things, obviously you don't have any experience in love- Revali intervened, Link looked at him narrowing his eyes as if the word "kids" bothered him more than "Linky", Zelda also looked annoyed with the comparison of a minor -Well, my point is that you are still very young- he corrected to get rid of their angry expressions.

When Revali felt them both relax, he breathed a sigh of relief -Well, exactly how do you plan to court Mipha?-

Zelda opened her lips, leaned her elbow over the desk and with her cheek resting on her hand, she began to daydream - I wanted to, take her to the zora domain, in the east reservoir lake in front of Rutah; Place... a table, two chairs, a candle, ask Link to prepare a three course dinner and for the end ... Give her a diamond necklace with amber with a Rutah's pendant and tell her everything I love about her- she said closing her eyes.

A smile took hold of the princess as she narrated such as a blush re-colored her cheeks.

Revali was surprised, Zelda seemed much more prepared for love scenarios than Link -That doesn't sound bad at all, in fact; sounds excellent, but ... I think you must win the brother first- commented the rito -If you win her brother's trust, everything will be fine and he'll help you with your plans-

-¿What will be fine?- Asked a voice, the three of them turned immediately; Purah was smiling in amusement, she seemed to have heard everything.

(TWENTY-FIRST CHAPTER; I wanted to make a cameo of Kafei from Majora's Mask as a small mention; We discovered that Link is a proud bisexual, Revali definitely wants Link but we already saw that he will not try anything until he grows, maybe he is a dork but a gentleman; And Zelda has already planned even the wedding with Mipha lmao)

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