Hospital and Pharmacy

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Lola's POV

I woke up in hospital. A nurse was standing at the door and when she saw me she rushed out the door and came back with a doctor.

"Hello Miss Duncan I am Dr Philips," he said walking over to me and sitting in the chair beside me.

'Hello Dr Philips,' i reply with a faint smile.

'you will be allowed to go later tonight but i will give you some tablets that you will have to pick up from the pharmacy and i will be making sue you will be alright.' he smiles at me.

'okay, how is amelia?' i ask.

'She was in much better condition than you and she is in the corridor waiting with the others.' he smiles. 

He checks me to make sure I am okay.

I have to take the pills in the morning, lunchtime,dinner and before bed for a month.

'come back every two weeks for a check-up,' he says while I make my way the corridor.

'and here,' he says handing me a yellow slip to give to the pharmist.

' bye doctor philips,' I say walking out the door.

'bye,' he shouts after me.

I push open the door to be faced by Jai,Luke,Beau,James,Daniel,Amelia,Chelsey and Lucy.

"Lolaaaaaaaaaaa,' they all shout running over to me and giving me a massive bear hug.

'Okay,' i say confused, making them all laugh. 

'Go on Twitter and look at all of our accounts,' Beau says excitedly.

Jai gives me my phone and I look at Jais twitter.


My princess Lola is in hospital :( hashtag getbettersoonlola and write it on your wrists and get it trending!

(a/n- there was no hashtag sign on my computer!)

'Aww thank you guys,' I say giving them all a hug. 

I tweet a thank you and that I am doing a YouNOW soon so if they wanna watch they can. 

Jai takes my hand and we walk out the hospital behind everyone else.

'I love you Jai-Bear,' I say snuggling into him.

'Well I love you more,' he replies kissing me.

'Oh we have to go to a pharmacy to get my pills tablet thungys,' i tell him giving him the slip.

'Wait up sluts,' Jai yells before we leave the hospital.

'We are in a hospital babe,' i say laughing.

'so what,' he replies making stupid hand gestures, trying to be like a girl.

I just laugh as we catch up with the rest. 

'We need to go to a pharmacy to pick up Lola's pills,' Jai tells the others. 

'just walk,' Beau says.

'Okay see you at the house at 4?' I say.

'Yeah okay bye,' he says.

"Come on Jai we can walk,' i say to Jai noticing his wrists both had getbettersoonlola written on them in caps.

"thank you Jai,' I say looking at his wrists.

'It's fine,' he replies before kissing my nose.

He was wearing a grey dirty pig hoodie and some dirty pig shorts.

'you look cute,' i say spilling my thoughts.

'not bad yourself,' he says winking making me blush.

Nothing is awkward when Jai Brooks is around! 

*At the Pharmacy*

Jai does all the speaking when we get there. WEIRD!

"hello,' he says to the lady at the counter

'what do you want?' she says chewing gum. 

'My girlfriend needs to pick up some tablets after visting the hospital,' he continues.

"Hailey ,this young man is picking up some tablets,' she screetches to a young girl who looked to be my age  with blonde hair that goes down to her waist comes out.

She was beautiful and that made me wonder why Jai picked me out of all girls to date. 

Maybe he was just joking around with me? And was just playing me? 

"Rightio, can I get the slip?' she asks.

Jai hands her the slip and she goes off into the back room.

"See, simple,' he smiles his sloth smile.

' I didn't ask you to speak for me,' I say back hugging him around the waist.

'Wanna get some chewing gum or bubble gum after? he asks changing the subject.

"YESSSS,' i say a bit to excited. 

'Here you go,' she says smiling.

"Wait aren't you Jai Brooks from the janoskians?' she asks.

"yes, yes i am,' he smiles while running his hands through my hair. 

"my friends a big fan,' she smiles shaking his hand.

'oh right want a picture?' he asks because he is always nice to fans, fake or real.

"sure,' she smiles.

'See you outside,' i say taking my tablets.

I walk outside and a breeze picks up making me want Jai beside me. 

'Hey lola,' he says taking my left hand and asks where I want to go.

'Brooks Brothers House,' I say smiling to him.

'Okay lets go home,' he says kissing me.

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