Lazy Day and holiday planning

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Lola's POV
I woke up in Jai's arms, the way I like it. he looks so cute when he was asleep.
I sent a group message out to everyone:
Lazy day today? My house? Please come🌸 I have an idea👊 and bring sweets😂
I got up and went downstairs to see Amelia making some tea.
"Morning Amelia," I say walking over to her.
"Morning lola," she says. I give her a hug and she returns it.
"Excuse me, what about us?" We hear Jai and Luke's voices.
"Girl hug only," I say.
"1 2 3," luke says.
Jai comes and picks me up and Amelia gets picked up by luke as well.
"Put me down," I say to Jai.
"No," he states simply.
He chucks me on the couch and jumps on top of me.
"Jaiii," I squeal.
he starts kissing me and it becomes more passionate.
"Get a room," I hear Amelia say but we continue to kiss.
"Are you deaf?" She jokes.
I stick my middle finger up at her and just lie under Jai looking in his eyes.
"Your hot," I say accidentally saying my thoughts.
He just laughs and kisses my forehead.
Me and Jai start doing the flying angel on the couch but I keep landing on top of him.
"Sorry if I keep hurting you," I say laughing.
"Your as light as a feather so I don't get hurt," he says giving me a hug.
*Ding dong*
I went to open the door to see everyone else.
"You should of replied to my text message," I say sternly.
"We did," they all say.
"How come I didn't get them?" I say.
"Because you and Jai had took much PDA you didn't hear your phone," Amelia yells from the kitchen.
"Anyway come in," I say becoming them in.

*when everyone is on the couch*

"This is Ronnie Diamond our manager," James says.
"Hi Ronnie," me and Amelia say.
"And this is his girlfriend Mariam," James says.
We introduce ourselves and I can tell I am going to be good friends with Mariam.
"so what's the idea?" Daniel asks.
"I was thinking we could go on a 3 week holiday to a cabin in the woods, near a lake instead of Spain," I say.
"I love the idea because I can't be bothered with Spain for that amount of time," Lucy says.
"Yeah when should we go?" James asks.
"In a few days," Mariam suggests.
We all agree that we will be going to a big cabin in the woods, beside a lake in the middle of nowhere.
It has wifi connection an we can have lazy days, midnight walks and loads of other things we can do.
"I'm so excited," Amelia says hugging me.
"Me and beau have a surprise that we have been keeping for a week or two," Chelsey sad randomly.
"Are you pregnant? I ask worried.
"No don't worry, lets go and pick him up beau," Chelsey says.
"Okay sure," Jai says.
Beau and Chelsey leave.
"I wonder what it is?" Amelia says curiously.
jai holds my hand and we all are just having a casual conversation about stuff and then we hear Beaus voice.
"We're homeeee"
"So what is it?" Ronnie asks.
"It is a..." Chelsey says.
"DOG!" Beau and Chelsey shout.
"Woooo," we all cheer.
"What's it's name?" Luke asks.
"Hamlet," Beau tells us.
"He or she?" Lucy asks.
"Boy," Chelsey says.
"Awh it's so cute," I say going over and stroking hamlet.
"We told you now because it were going on holiday, we can take it on walks and stuff," beau says.
"Can we help train it?" Daniel asks.
"Yep," Chelsey says.
"What's the time?" I ask.
"10:40am," Ronnie tells me.
"Thanks Ronnie," I reply.
"I've not had any breaky," I say going over to the toaster and putting in some toast.
I feel a pair of muscular arms around my waist, one of the arms has tattoos.
"Go sit down with the others while I make myself something to eat," I say to Jai kissing him.
"I wanna be with you though," he says giving me a kiss.
*in the living room*
"Hey Mariam," I say.
"Hey lola, Ronnie is wondering if we are coming to the cabin as well?" She asks.
"Of course you are," I say laughing.
"Can we be friends," she asks.
"I was going to ask you the same thing," I say.
we start laughing.
"What did everyone bring?" Luke asks everyone.
Everyone puts bags of sweets in the middle.
"And there is some in our house as well," Amelia pips in.
The boys do a twitcam and do follow sprees while me and the other girls have a gossip about random stuff and play with the puppy.
"So it's Friday now and we will leave on Sunday," I ask unsure.
"Yep sounds good," Lucy replies.
"Give me a hug," Amelia says to all of us so we have a big group girly hug.
The boys are now playing on the PS4 and Xbox one.
"Girls wanna join?" Beau says.
"I'll play after I do Jai's hair because I have to do it," I reply.
"Oh yeah one minute," Jai says running up to my room to get my tangle teaser.
he brings it downstairs and I start brushing his brown hair.
"You should become a hairdresser," james tells me.
"No," I reply back.
I brush his hair until he turns around and kisses me.
"Thank you lola now for a game of FIFA," he says.
"I'm not that good," I say but actually I am quite good because I have 2 brothers who I used to always play against.
"Beau vs Lola, is the first game," Amelia announces.
"Okay game on," I say.
"Your going down," he whispers so only I could hear.
It's a five minute game and I win 10-4.
"You said you weren't good," Beau says sticking his tongue out.
"I have 2 brothers who have taught me well," I say.
We play more games, me and Amelia vs luke and jai.
We won 3-1 and the twins say they were going easy on us, I doubt that!
"Wooooo," Amelia shouts.
"Haribo's to celebrate," I say getting a massive packet.
I'm sitting on the couch eating the packet of haribos with Amelia when Jai comes over and asks for some.
I was about to give him some when Amelia hits me.
"What was that for?" I ask her.
"He lost, so he can't get some," Amelia says.
Jai pouts at me, with sad eyes.
I put out my arms for him to hug me.
he comes and hugs me and lies down beside me.
"I'll give you some later," I whisper to him.
"OkAy," he replies kissing me and I kiss back.
"This is what I have to live with," I hear Amelia say, so I look up and everyone is staring at us kissing.
I go red and bury my face in Jai's chest.
"It's okay," Jai whispers to me kissing my head.
"Awh wee Lola's gone red," luke says.
"Shut up," Jai says.
Then Luke and Amelia start imitating me and Jai.
"Awh it's okay princess," Luke says imitating Jai.
"Thanks prince," Amelia says.
then they start kissing getting more passionate.
I give Jai the haribo bag, I front of Amelia and get of the couch and run.
"Slutola get back here," she yells.
Everyone looks shocked by this.
"No way slutelia," I say sprinting around until Luke grabs me over his shoulder and takes me to Amelia in the living room.
"Put her down!" Jai shouts getting up but gets grabbed back Beau, Daniel and James.
"So shitola we meet again," Amelia says laughing.
"Guys, please stop calling each other that, because you've already fallen out," Daniel says worriedly.
Me and Amelia exchange glances because that's our inside joke and we start laughing.
"Put her down luke," she says sternly.
"Yes mistress," he replies.
I'm lying on the floor and Amelia runs and jumps on top of me.
"does this teach you never to share sweets again," she says.
"Yes cuntelia," i reply.
"STOP IT!" Everyone shouts.
I give her a hug and everyone else joins in.
"Meet tomorrow at one for a talk about the holiday in 2 days," I say.
"Byeee," Mariam says giving me a separate hug.
"Byeeee," i say waving everyone off with Amelia.
"Long day huh," she says.
"Yeah but fun slutelia," I say.
"No one here to say STOP IT!" she says laughing.
we watch some friends, her choice not mine.
"See you tomorrow for the meeting," she says.
"Yep, night" I say.
"Nightt," she calls going into her room.
"Nightttt," I call.

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