Part9- lazy day- part1

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Jai's POV
I decided to wake up early so I could make Lola a fry up breakfast. Even though we were on a diet😂.
I made her bacon- her favourite and some fried eggs.

She came downstairs in my long jumper( well on her) and some Adidas shorts- also borrowed from me. Her hair was in a messy bun and she had no makeup on.
"Morning jai," she says kissing me on the cheeks.
"Lips?" I pout.
"My morning breath is disgusting," she says pulling a face.
"I don't care," I say kissing her lips.
"They taste like cherry," I say laughing.
she just stays in a hug then goes over to her breakfast.
"Thanks Jai, I'll make some tea," she says putting the kettle on.
She made the tea and we had a nice breakfast just chatting.
"can we have a lazy day today?" She asks.
"Yeah sure whatever," I say washing the dishes.
"I'll call James because he has no one," she says taking my phone.
"K," I say,

Lola's POV

Ring ring
J- James L- Lola
J- hello jai
L- hey it's me Lola
J- hi Lola why r u calling at this time?
L- me and jai are wondering if you want to come over for a lazy day
J- yea I'll be there shortly
L- don't bother changing as its a lazy day
J- Kay bye
Jais POV
Lola told me James was coming. YAS! He was my best friend 😂
She was on Netflix looking for movies. Wow I'm the luckiest guy ever! She is the best thing that has ever happened to me. Look at that figure tho😍
"I love you Lola," I say.
"I love you more than you will ever love me," she says abandoning looking for movies and coming over to give me a kiss. it lasted for about 3 minutes before DING DONG
"Wassup bitches!" James said when we opened the door. His hair was flattened.

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