Swimming Fun!

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Lola's POV
It has been a few days since Jai went missing but now our relationship is stronger than ever.
Me and Amelia were friends again and her family had flown back to England much to her disapproval.
Her and Luke, let's say weren't so good. He was pissed but I know they will be okay in the future.
Message from Jai Bear😍:
Hey babe🌸 Swimming at 12?
Message back:
Yeah sure anytime😏
Message from Jai Bear😍:
Can't wait to see you looking hot 👍
I left it there and looked at the time 11:00am. I put on some black leggings and a white top with a dirty pig hoodie over it. I chucked on my pink nike shoes with a blue tick and neon yellow laces.
I put my hair in a high ponytail and did no makeup.
It was 11:20 by the time I had finished that so I packed my swimming bag. It was now 11:45am because I couldn't find a lot of my things.
I just watched TV until 12.
*ding dong*
I answered the door to see Jai standing there.
"Bye Amelia," I yelled up the stairs.
"Shut up I'm trying to sleep," she yells back.
I close the door and Jai takes my hand.
"Missed you today and yesterday," he says kissing me.
"Missed you more," I reply kissing his nose.
*At the swimming pool*
We pay, well Jai pays for swimming and we go into the changing room.
We choose the family one and go inside.
I get changed into my black bikini and Jai changes into some green and white swimming trunks.
He abs and tattoos looked hotttt just saying.
"Like what you see?" He jokes.
"Who wouldn't?" I reply back hugging him tight smelling the cologne on his body. He looks, smells and sounds fucking sexy today!
"Come on now!" He replies taking my stuff and puts it in a locker.
There was a sign that said "have a quick shower then go into the pool"
We had a shower and went on the first water ride.
It was where you went into a black tunnel and you go down unexpectedly but in a rubber dingy.
When it was me and Jai's turn I sat on his lap and he held my waist while my hands were up in the air.We got sprayed by foam and I fell off. 

"Races?" I asked Jai. 

"Why not," he smiles jumping in the length pool. 

"OWWW FUCKKKKK," He yells grabbing his toe. 

"That's why you do not jump into the shallow end,"I say sliding in giving him a hug. 

"Excuse me, can you not swear in the swimming pool because there is young kids here," a pool attendent says sternly. 

"Like I give two shits," Jai mumbles. 

"If I hear you swear again your out the pool," the life guard says to him coldly before walking away. 

"Up and down?" Jai asks. 

"Kayy," I say. 

I win!

"Fuck yeah!" I say a bit too loud. 

"Out of the pool!" the lifeguard yells at us. 

"Fuck off," I mumble to her before walking to the shower.  

"You're dumb shits," I hear Jai shouting at them. 

"Calm down babe," I say to him dragging him away. 

"Fucking retards," he mutters. 

"I'll go get the shampoo and contioner."  I say.

I get my raspberry shampoo and contitioner and some body wash and when I come back I see Jai looking smexi. 

I'm just letting the water fall on my body when Jai squirts some shampoo on his hand and beckons me out the shower. 

He pulls out my bobble carefully and puts the shampoo in my hair massaging it making me shiver in a nice way.

"Thanks babe," I say to him kissing him.

"Your doing my hair tonight," he smiles looking cheeky.

"Okay," I say unsure.

We finish having our shower and get changed and head out. 

We both get rainbow slushies and head back home to find Luke and Amelia snuggled up on the couch. THEY'RE ALL GOOODDDD!!!!!!!!!! 

Amelia's POV

I saw Jai and Lola coming home and they had slushies. WHATTTTT?

I put my hand out and Lola gives me her slushie that is half fine.

"Ugh fine," she replies.

"Yaasss thank's hun," I say to her hugging her.

"For the one billionth time don't call me hun,' she replies. 

Me and Luke shared the rainbow slushie kissing each other randomly. 

"Date tonight at 7?" he asks picking me up.

"Ok," i reply.

"Ohh and remember, wear something casual," he grins at me before hitting my butt and leaving. 

"Everything back on track?" lola asks me.

"Yeah," I reply bfore going upstairs to get ready. 

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