Younow and live performance

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Lola's POV
I decided to do a younow with an unwell Jai.
"Hey everyone watching" I say to my laptop.
The comments were exploding because you could see the top of Jai's head as his head was on my tummy.
"Jai the fans want to see you" I say.
"Why do they want to see my when I'm ill?" He asks curiously.
"How the fuck am I supposed to know? I say.
We sit up on the couch and put the laptop on the coffee table so they can see us.
Jai was lying on my lap with a blanket over him.
"If you want to ask us questions then send us your questions on Twitter with the hashtag #askjaiandlola" I tell them and go on Twitter.
"I'm tireddd" Jai whines.
All the comments say stuff like Awwww jais so cute and you get what I mean.
"go to sleep then but if you do the fans will not be happy" I say.
"I'll look for questions to be helpful" he tells me sitting up.
"Thank you for your help" I whisper to him.
"I'll help if you kiss me" he replies.
"So you want your fans to be sad that your kissing me?" I asks him smiling.
"Oh I never thought of that" he says looking disappointed.
"have you found a question yet because this must be the most boring younow ever?" I ask him.
"Yeh here's one" he says showing me one.
"Read it out then" I say to him.
"When did you meet?" He reads out.
"Well I would say a few days after I came out my mums vagina" I say laughing.
"Yeah me and my brothers, have been best friends since lola was born" Jai tells them.
"Him and Luke used to be like best friends so me and beau would make up plans to go against them and make our own squad" I say laughing at the memories.
"next question" Jai says taking my phone and looking at the questions.
"Let him kiss you lola" Jai reads out.
"Let's see if that was a real question" I say taking my phone, and the question was real.
"Jai girls look away" I say before Jai kisses me on the lips and then when I pull away he says "I love you lola".
"Love you too, and the next question is what is your favourite thing about the other person?" I say.
"Wow all the questions are Jola related" he says laughing.
"I like that when I am feeling shitty, which I am because I'm on my period he always makes me smile" I say.
"My favourite thing about lola is that she gets me and the boys humour, so if the other girls get pissed at us she's always there for me and the boys, and is very stubborn about it and 90% of the time wins" Jai says hugging me.
"Ohh and he's a softie" I say touching his head.
"No I'm not" Jai says putting his head in my boobs.
It went on for an hour or two and then we shut it off.
"Finally I have you to myself" Jai says collapsing on top of me from tiredness.
"You look tired so go to sleep and I'll be back for the time you wake up" I tell him giving him a kiss on the neck.
"Who'll look after me?" He whines.
"AMELIA" I yell.
"YESSSS" She calls back.
"Can you look after Jai for me, as I need to stretch my legs for 20 minutes?" I ask her.
"Yeah sure, I'll just be a minute" she calls back.
Amelia's POV
I go downstairs to see Jai lying on the couch.
"You can watch something on the TV" lola says appearing from behind me.
"So do I just keep an eye on him and if he needs anything just get it for him?" I ask after lola tells me what to do.
"Yea and I'm not taking my phone so you can deal with any problems yourself" she whispers, laughing to me.
"Fuck you but fine" I say shoving her slightly.
"Don't shove lola" Jai shouts but it sounds really high because of his cold.
"Have fun!!" Lola shouts before leaving.
"So what do you wanna do?" I ask Jai plopping myself onto the other side of the couch.
There was no reply so I looked over at Jai to see him fast asleep and he was snoring very lightly and cutely.
I tweeted-
Lola's left me to look after an unwell Jai!! I'm fucked.
"Hey babe" luke says kissing me on the head.
"Heyy" I reply back turning around and I hug him.
"What's my little cutie up to?" He asks.
"Looking after Jai. It's so boring" I reply yawning.
Jai suddenly wakes up.
"Amelia where's lola?" He asks sitting up quickly making him fall back onto the couch.
"Out for a walk" I reply walking over to him.
"I want her now!" He says back.
"Well she's not here so do you want me to get you anything?" I ask him.
He starts crying slightly.
"Luke" I call.
"Coming" he replies from the kitchen.
"Oh I will try and sort him out" Luke whispers to me.
Luke walks over to Jai who is sitting on the couch, crying.
"I'll get you somewhere" I hear luke say.
"Yeah well I need a kiss on the lips and I need a hug and I need Lola" he says to Luke.
"I can give you a hug" luke offers.
"Okay but it won't be as good as Lola's hugs" Jai says hugging Luke.
"Awww" I blurt out, covering my mouth immediately.
The glare at me.
I put my hands up in defence and walk into the kitchen.
"Hey ameliabuh" lola says. I know it's her from the nickname.
"Heyyz" I reply going over to her.
"What have you and Jai been up to?" She asks taking off her coat and shoes.
"Well he was sleeping but now he's upset that your not here to comfort him" I reply.
"Tell him I've left and see what happens" she says grabbing my hand and stoping at the living room door.
"This will be funny" I reply.
"I know right" she says.
I walk in and see a stressed out luke.
"What's up baby?" I ask him.
"Jais being very annoying and says he hates me" luke replies.
I tell him the plan quickly and walk over to Jai, seeing him sort of crying.
"What's up with Jai?" I ask.
"Lolas not here" he says back moodily.
"And will never be here" I say back, trying not to laugh.
"Eh? He says looking serious.
"Lola's not coming back. she used you for fame" I say looking into Jai's eyes.
"Wwwwhat? I've known her since she was born. she'd never do anything like that" Jai says, starting to cry.
"It's oKay" I tell him.
"Am I not good enough for anyone?" He says pushing me away.
"What? Did? You? Tell? Him?" Lola says from the door.
"Lola?" Jai whispers.
"It was a prank taken too far" lola says walking over to the couch and sits beside jai.
"I've missed you" Jai says to lola hugging her.
Lola hugs back laughing.
"Jai, Luke get yo asses here now" beau calls from the kitchen.
"Byee" me and Lola say kissing our boyfriends and hugging them.
"I wonder what they have planned" lola says coming to sit beside me.
"Let's hope it's good" I reply.
"why did you tell Jai that?" She asks.
"I dunno, sorry" I say.
"It's okay" lola says hugging me.
"Heyy girlies" Lucy says sitting down beside us.
"Heyy" me and lola say at the same time.
"I got kicked out of the kitchen" she says laughing.
We all get our phones out and go on Twitter and start interacting with the boys fans.
"Hey" Chelsey says coming into the room.
"Hey" I mumble.
"Heyyyyyy" lola says making space for her and they start talking about stupid stuff.
"So what have you been doing today?" Lucy asks me.
"Looking after Jai and just being lazy what about you?" I reply-ask.
"Me and Daniel went hillwalking and then running" she replies like it was nothing.
Lola and Chelsey were whispering about something, and kept laughing and looking over at me and lucy. that made me feel uncomfortable.
"Just ignore them" lucy whispers to me.
"Okay thanks" I whisper back hugging her.
Lola's POV
I was on snapchat taking selfies with my best friend Chelsey.
she hugs me and I hug back.
"Ladies, ladies, ladies" beau says from the door.
"Yes" I reply quickly.
"Get ready for the show of your life" beau says strutting in with a base guitar in his hand and the other boys following him.
"We are going to release an EP and we want our girlfriends to hear it first" Jai says, coughing from his cold.
I put up my hand.
"Yes lola?" Luke says.
"When's the ep coming out?" I ask.
"When we get to LA" Luke replies.
"Fuck I'm excited" I say.
They start the show singing all their older songs and then they start singing there EP.
"GRAB A PARTNER!" James yells.
I go with Chelsey and Lucy and Amelia go together.
"Now fucking dance" beau yells.
we dance and then start doing a sexy one making some of the boys go hard, you know where.
"Stop itttt" daniel says looking away from lucy.
I start dancing with Jai. my hands are on his hips and his hands are round my neck.
"That's the wrong way" Amelia shouts over.
we just stand there kissing each other.
me and the other girls decide we will say something at the same time.
"That was amazing! The fans will love it!" Me, Chelsey, Lucy and Amelia yell making the boys laugh.
We have a massive group hug and me and Chelsey are in the middle of the circle.

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