Arianators and plane crash part3

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Lola's POV
I was crying in James arms when the door opened and everyone came through. Jai was with them!!!
"Jaiiiii," I shouted running up to him and giving him a massive hug smelling his Cologne.
"L l Lola," he said back smiling.
"He's drunk, so you've been warmed," beau whispered.
"What are you saying?" Jai asks determined to know what we were saying.
"I was just telling him thanks, now do you want to go upstairs?" I ask him.
He nods his head and he runs upstairs falling a lot.
"Thanks so much," I say hugging everyone.
"Told you he'd be okay," James tells me.
I got my MacBook Pro laptop and headed upstairs to see Jai lying in bed.
I put on my Pyjamas, tarted bottoms and a penguin shirt sleeved top.
i climb into bed and snuggle up to Jai smelling the beer.
"Why didn't you just tell me?" I ask crying.
he doesn't reply just starts playing with my hair.
"You look cute today," I say tracing his tattoos with my fingers.
"Thank you and that tickles," he says smiling making me cry for some reason.
"Don't ever do that again," I tell him kissing his cheekbones until I reached his mouth.
He just pulls me into a hug and my face is in his armpit.
"Jai," I squeal.
Beau walks in.
"Why are you the only one who can talk and understand him when he is drunk?" Beau says.
"I would be the worst girlfriend if I couldn't help him when he needed help," I shrug smiling.
"Stop it your making me cry," he jokes. he leaves the room and heads downstairs.
"I feel like the worst girlfriend ever," I say to Jai who is drawing on his hand a heart that said Jai+Lola.
"You are the best girlfriend ever, and don't forget that," he says resting his head on my boobs.
"Wanna watch some YouTube videos?" He asks.
"Yeah you choose one," I say giving him my laptop and going on my phone.
I go on Twitter and I see that the janoskianators are going crazy over what the arianators said to Jai.
I decided to tweet something.
- Why do people say stuff about people that they know and everyone but that one person knows it's not true🌸 😭
Jai starts clapping his hands.
"What the fuck are you doing Jai?" I ask him.
"Dancing," he says getting up and going downstairs.
"Jai?" I call unsure going downstairs after him.
"What are you doing Jai?" I hear Skips voice.
I walk through the living room door and see Jai lying on his stomach.
"He's still drunk," james says.
I walked over to him and lay on my stomach like him until I catch his eye.
It looks glassy like he wants to cry.
I hug him even though he doesn't hug me back.
"Jai babe what's wrong?" I ask him.
He starts crying so I put his face in my chest/boob area and he looks up at me.
"Why?" Is all he says.
Everyone has left by this point because they "don't want to disturb us".
"Why what?" I ask confused.
"Why would they send those messages to me, I know it's all true so what's the point in trying to kid myself into thinking that I'm okay?" He asks pushing me away.
I just look at him like he's crazy because he believed what they told him.
"It's true isn't it! You even agree with them," he shouts at me angry.
"Jaidon Domenic Matthew Brooks," I say annoyed. he looks at me with guilt in his eyes and when I use his full name he knows I'm angry. Tears are running down his face like a stream.
"Jaidon I love you and I hate arianators. I've seen what they have said to you and none of it is true because I know you and they don't, they only believe Ariana and no one else so you should not feel like you are in the wrong because they are in the wrong," I continue.
He wipes the tears away and tries to hug me but I move away.
"what do you have to say for saying all that to me," I say.
"I'm sorry Lola BEL Duncan," he says laughing because he knows I hate when people sys that.
"That's better," I say hugging him and kissing him.
"You are the best," he says in the kiss.
"No you are," I say.
"eh no way I'm the worst," he says.
"Can I give you a tattoo," I sys getting a permanent marker.
"Okay," he says laughing.
I write on his bear chest- I don't give a shit about the haters. But in big writing.
"Love you babe," he says taking me upstairs and let's say we had some fun up there.

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