Fun Cabin Time

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Lola's POV
We had got back to the cabin and it was really warm and cosy. I was brushing my hair when Jai came up behind me and took the brush from my hand and started brushing my hair.
"Thank you Jai," I say slightly shivering because I get that when someone brushes my hair.
"Your hair is nice," he says ignoring what I said and continued to brush it.
"Let me try a ponytail" Jai says taking a bobble from my brush and tying it up.
It was messy but cute.
"Thanks Jai I love it" I say turning round giving him a little hug.
"Anything for my little baby" he says wrapping his arms around my waist, still in the hug.
"Stop being so cute" I say to him kissing his forehead.
He just smiles and puts his hand on my chin and lifting my head up so my lips are nearly touching his.
"See-" I get cut off from him kissing me.
whenever I kiss Jai I always get butterflies in my tummy and I get all tongue tied.
"How was that?" He says knowing he did good but wanted me to say it, so he could boast about it.
I don't say anything because I can't.
"Your like a cute fan" he smiles tapping my head and going downstairs.
"What. The. Fuck was that?" Amelia says walking into me and Jai's bedroom.
"Umm nothing," I say blushing, not sure what tO say because Jai wasn't here to protect me.
"Aww cutie pie," Amelia says coming over to me.
"I'm so fatttt" I complain.
"Sameee" she replies.
"No your not! I say.
"Whatever you say" she mutters
"Let's go on a diet and go to the gym" I suggest.
"Okayyy," she says.
"Starting from tomorrow" I say because I knew we had bought junk crap for tonight.
"Aye!" she says doing the stereotypical Scottish accent but failing.
"Shut up," I say lightly punching her.
"Fuck You" she says rubbing her arm pretending it was sore.
I shoo her out of my room and get changed into some fleecy robin pj bottoms and a white tshirt.
I keep jais ponytail and take off all my makeup and go downstairs to the living room to be met with the smell of aftershave that was REALLYYYYYYYY strong.
"The boys were spraying it everywhere" Chelsey said explaining it.
"Ahh okay," I say laughing.
"You likey?" Beau asks smiling evilly.
"NOO" me, chelsey, Mariam, Lucy and Amelia shout.
"Too bad!" They all say back laughing.
Jai walks over to me and I smell the aftershave all over him.
"Someone's tried too hard to impress me" I say laughing.
He just blushes as all the other boys go ooooh.
"I'm joking" I say hugging him, as his head nestles into my shoulder.
"Your a softie" Amelia says because knowing her, she would not have hugged him to get him over the embarrassment.
"I'm here for you, forever and always" I whisper to Jai so no one can hear me except him.
"thanks" he whispers.
"That aftershave though" I say.
He just laughs and sits beside beau leaving me standing in the middle of the living room.
"Come sit beside me and Chelsey" Lucy says making space for me.
"Thanks" I say sitting in the tight space.
me and Chelsey are best friends and Amelia and Lucy are close friends as well.
I suppose I excepted Chelsey as beau's girlfriend first before everyone else well except for beau.
lucy goes over to chat with Amelia and luke so I go and sit beside chelsey.
"Lolaaaa" she says hugging me.
"Chelseyyy" I say hugging her.
I take out my phone and as soon as I do that Chelsey shouts
Everyone looks over at us but we just stick our middle fingers up at them.
"Rude" Daniel says at us.
"Look who's talking" I say back.
"Ladies ladies" Luke says.
We take the selfies and then even though we are not wearing makeup, I post one with silly faces and caption it: love this girl💁
"Why don't you love me?" Jai asks because he had seen the photo.
"I doooo" I say.
"Then tweet that you love me" he says.
"Ok, but it's your fault if I start drama" I say.
"OkAy just tweet about it now" he says.
I tweet- so glad this boy is in my life💛 makes me happy when I'm in a fucking bad mood💚 can't believe he chose me over billions of girls who are much prettier than me(aka janoskianators) 💏
And I put a picture of us when we were 3 years old holding hands.
"That's so cuteee" Lucy says.
"tried my hardest" I say going over to jai.
"Sit on my lap" he says.
"Let me get the beer first," i say.
"I'll help" all the girls say because we had a plan.
"Ok fine with us" beau says stretching.
Me and the other girls go up into my room to get our slutty barmaid dresses.
We get changed into them and cake ourselves in makeup.
We head downstairs and get a basket of beer each😂 don't ask why it's in a basket- cause it's easier to carry.
"1 2 3" Mariam whispers.
We walk in, in single file doing our slutty walk.
"The sluts have joined us" james says joking, getting daggers from the other boys.
"what drink do you want babe?" I ask jai walking over to him.
He just stares at my body.
"Ehm what drink?" I say snapping my fingers.
"Oh okay sorry um I'll have that one" jai says picking a bottle of beer from the basket.
"Let me get that hunni" I say sitting on his lap and opening the bottle for him, using a bottle opener.
"Thanks" he says pushing me off him, jokingly.
"Rightio who's next?" I ask twirling my hair around my fingers.

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