Panic Attack

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Lola's POV
Me and the others were going to the village today, to do some shopping.
I mean everyone so I am going to make Amelia and Chelsey come.
I got to Luke's and Amelia's bedroom. They are both still asleep so I shake Luke on the shoulder trying to wake luke up, it does.
"Can't I sleep?" Luke mumbles, laughing though.
"It's your job to wake up Amelia, cause I hate doing it and no you can't sleep it's 11:00am" I say shaking my head jokingly.
I wander back into my room to see that Jai had fallen back asleep.
"Come on lazyass get your fat ass up" I whisper in Jai's ear, but he doesn't wake up so I jump on him.
"Owwwww lola" he growls, jokingly pulling me back on and he was on top of me giving me a massive bear hug.
He bites my neck, softly pulling me to my feet and then as soon as I get my balance, he hits me with a pillow.
"Your on, when we get back from the Village" I tell him getting off the bed.
"Your in a good mood today" he says.
"Just feel good, I hope it'll be a good day though" I say smiling.
"It will" he says carrying me princess style to the kitchen, even though both of us are just up, and not changed.
We have our breakfast and then go back up to our room, getting met by a grumpy Amelia and a happy Luke coming downstairs.
"Heyy" I say to Amelia hugging her, making her smile.
"Luke woke me up, and blamed it on you, that you told him to wake me up because you didn't like doing it" she gushes.
"He's right" I say starting to run.
"Oi bish, I'll get you soon" she replies, now in a happy mood.
I get changed into some black leggings and a plain white t-shirt.
Jai was wearing grey joggers(my favourite on him) and a dirty pig mosaic t-shirt with a dirty pig jumper over the top.
I put on some of my perfume and makeup.
"Looking beautiful" Jai says giving me a kiss.
****When we are in town****

Lola's POV
"What do you want to do? I says jumping around because I was happy and excited.
"I was going to go shopping with james and beau" Jai tells me.
"Alrightio me and Chelsey will go together" I say going over to her.
****1 hour later****
Me and Chelsey were loaded with stuff when I started to have my panic attack.
"Lola what's wrong?" I heard Chelsey ask putting her arm round me and leading me to a seat.
My breathing started getting heavy and I started crying.
"James" I manage to say.
"Okay I'll call James for you" she says.
James' POV
I got a call from Chelsey. Strange!
C- Chelsey J- James
C- hey james
J- hey why are you calling me?
C- umm
J- what?
C- well Lola's having a panic attack and she wants you or Amelia
J- where are you?
C- um *looks around* near New Look
J- we're in sports direct
C- I can see that shop it's like across from new look.
J- okay I'm coming
J- *ends call*
I see him sprinting out of sports direct.
I wave frantically trying to get his attention.
He waves back and runs over to Lola.
Amelia's POV
I was with luke when he got a phone call from Chelsey.
"Yup?" He says.
"Alright we're like 3 minutes away" he says.
"Shit that's bad" he says.
"Ok on our way" he says.
"It's lola" he tells me.
"Yes and?" I say.
"She's having a panic attack" Luke says quickly.
"Shitttt" I say taking lukes hand and he leads me to the bench.
I go and sit beside James who is trying to make lola calm down.
Everyone is now there and looking worried, especially Jai.
"Hey lola, look at me gorgeous," i say taking Lola's shaking hands.
She looks up at me.
"Hey I know this is quite a bad one but let's try calm your breathing" I tell her.
"Come on Lola" james supports her.
Lola calms down.
"I'm sorry" she whispers.
"It's not your fault" me, james and everyone else say.
Lola's POV
I was still shaking and crying because of the panic attack.
"Hey hey hey Lola it's okay now" Jai says sliding in beside me and holding my hands.
"I just feel really bad" I tell him nestling my face into his chest.
"But everyone else doesn't feel like it's your fault" he comforts me.
i just nod my head.
"Do you want to tell the other girls why?" He says.
Because Amelia and all the 5 boys know why, as they are my childhood friends.
I nod my head.
I tell them and they all look so worried.
"It's fine guys come on let's get back to shopping" I say wiping the tears away and I stand up.
"You sure you don't want to go home?" Daniel asks.
"Nah I'm good thanks" I say to him giving him a hug.
"Let's film a public nuisance video!" Beau says.
"YASSS!" Me and Amelia shout.
"ok let's do it" Jai says taking my hand.
"We'll play penis in the library" Jai tells the rest.
"We don't have a camera though" james says.
"We can do it for fun" I reply.
"I'm in then" james says joining me and Jai.
"Come on who wants to play penis?" I ask laughing.
Yes and yeah's go around.
We go into the library and start playing.
"Wow whys it so quiet?" I whisper to jai.
"Dunno" he replies lifting me up and then putting me straight down, incase I have another panic attack.
"Who's starting?" Chelsey whispers.
"Me" I reply.
"Penis" I say.
"PENIS!" Beau yells.
"PENISSSS" I yell louder.
"Right I'm going to ask you to leave" the Librarian says coming over to us.
"We're trying to find our friend penis" I tell her.
"Well there is no one here called penis so you can leave" she says.
"No thank you" I reply walking away.
"And you can't stop me" I say.
After 5 minutes of us mucking around we leave.
"I filmed that sorry" james says.
"It's okay james" I tell him.
****AT THE CABIN****
I'm sitting on the couch with Jai.
"you sure your okay?" Jai asks for about the billionth time.
Amelia's POV
"hey watch where your going" I say to Chelsey pushing her.
"I didn't mean to do it" she replies.
I start pushing her away from me and into the wall.
Lola walks in with Jai following her like a lost puppy.
"Period?" She mouths at me.
I nod.
"Just stop fighting please" she says, looking like she was going to cry very before she walks out taking Jai's hand.
"Fuck you" I say to Chelsey.
She just ignores me and walks away, probably to find beau.

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