Amelia and Jai

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Amelia's POV
Me and jai walked upstairs in silence and into his and Luke's bedroom.
Jai went and sat on his bed and patted the space beside him.
I went over and sat down and decided it was best to talk to him but he surprisingly spoke first.
"I need Lola," he says looking forward at nothing.
"Jai, stay strong and just think about what she did to you," I say trying not to cry.
He starts crying and mumbling about Lola to me and that makes me start.
"I fucking love her but fucking hate her at the same time," jai tells me looking at me in the eye.
"I fucking miss Luke's hugs and kisses and I miss Lola's hyper shit," I say hugging him.
His hug was limp and weak like he was missing something which he was.
"I miss Luke's sassy ass and Lola's hugs and kisses," he says.
before I reply he says something that makes me feel so bad.
"Am I not any good for girls. All they do is cheat on me and break my heart. first Ariana then Lola,"
"That is not true jai, you are honestly the best guy I know," I say fighting back more tears.

* bing goes jais phone *
It was from Lola.
It said- hi jai💗 you do not know how I want to kill myself right now😭 I hate rumours because that's what fans make up😭 the rumours about luke and I are bullshit x I know you will never understand why and how bad I feel so byee prince💖💘
He put his phone on his table and told me to get out of his room.
Jai's POV
I kicked Amelia out my room because I don't know what to do.
I curled myself up in a ball in my bed and cried myself to sleep.

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