Village fun-part 2

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Amelia's POV
We are at a museum and the boys are doing a video of them talking to random strangers about random things.
I was watching Jai as he went up to a really pretty girl- she was stunning and I don't know any guys that couldn't not fall for her.
"Hello pretty what is your name?" Jai asks.
"Poppie," she replies blushing.
I look over at lola to see if she had noticed that they were "flirting".
She hadn't because she was on her phone. Typical lola!
"Would you date me?" Jai asks her.
"Yep," she replies sweetly blushing slightly.
"Will you go out with me Poppie?" he asks here. oh no what has Jai done.
"Yes," she replies hugging him.
"I'm going to go find my friends and bring them back here," Jai says looking worried now.
"Okay," Poppie replies.
"Shit what have I done?" Jai asks me running over to me.
"I don't know, and plus you did it so you fix it," I say going on my phone.
"Please help me for fucks sake," Jai pleads me.
"Kiss Lola in front of Poppie," I say.
"Thanks," Jai says giving me a quick hug and running over to lola.
"Lola," I hear him say so I look over.
"What? She replies looking up from her phone.
"Kiss me beside the stuffed chicken," Jai asks .
Lola follows him and Poppie is standing beside the stuffed chicken.
"Kiss me," is all I hear before I see Jai kissing lola and her kissing back confused.
"jai?" I hear poppies voice ask.
"Run lola run," Jai says taking Lola's hand and they run out of the museum.
Lola's POV
"Why are you acting so weird?" I ask Jai standing on the steps beside him.
"Well um," he says.
"Ummm what?" I say.
He tells me the story about Poppie.
i burst out laughing making people stare.
"What's so funny," he asks.
I stand on my toes and I put my arms around his neck, as he put im his arms around my back/waist and I look up into his eyes.
"Jai why were you scared of telling me that? I find it funny that she agreed so fast and she doesn't even know you. it's probably your looks that make girls fall for you, but that for me is just a bonus that you are good looking," I say giving his nose a little kiss.
"Stop teasing me," he says putting his lips on mine.
"I will if you shut up," I say.
"Come one we need to get back to the cabin now, and it takes a while to get there!" Beau yells at us.
We both stick out middle fingers up and continue kissing.
"Leave them for a few minutes," I hear Amelia tell everyone.
They all start laughing.

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