
18 1 0

Lola's POV
Jai was wandering downstairs when I went to the toilet.
Shit! I was on my period and I only had two pairs of pants(underwear) and no pads with me.
i ran downstairs and I literally mean ran.
"Eh hello everyone can I speak to Amelia," I say.
She slips out of the room and asks me what's wrong.
"Em well I'm on my period and I don't have any pads or spare underwear." I say.
"I'll come," she says going into the room and telling everyone we were going to pick up some stuff from our house then went out of the front door with me.
"Thanks am💘," I say.
"No problem I'm on mine too," she says laughing opening the door..
I run upstairs and grab my bag of pads and change my underwear.
i decide to put in some spear underwear and zip up the bag.
"U ok?" Amelia asks as I walk downstairs.
"Yeah fine," I say. I'm not embarrassed to say anything to her, she was my 2nd person I told about my period- because my mum knew first😂 obvs.
She locked the door behind us as I walked to the boys house quickly because it now had an icy breeze.
"Hello Lola," Chelsey said opening the door.
hey I say getting inside quickly.
Lolaaaaa jai says running up to me and giving me a gentle hug.
What happened he whispers into my ear.
I take him through to the warm living room and sit down in an armchair with him.
Well I had my period for the month and didn't have any pads I whisper embarrassed.
It'll be over in like a week he says and hugs me for about 20 minutes.

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