Chelsey and Amelia

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Amelia's POV
I was in Lola's cabin room because there was no mirror in me and Luke's room.
I finished off brushing my hair and doing my makeup.
"what are you doing in my room?" Jai asks from the bed, probably just waking up.
"Lola said I can use it because there is no mirror in me and Luke's room." I say.
"Oh okay" Jai says getting up, shirtless.
"lola was in the living room" I tell him, as he's walking downstairs.
"Okay thanks" he says.
I walk into the hallway to see Beau and Chelsey kissing.
"Get a room" I shout.
"Fuck off seriously" beau yells at me.
"I'm just telling you an idea" I yell back.
"Well don't look then" Chelsey shouts.
"Shut up chelsey" I shout going up to them.
"I just told you an idea" she says imitating me.
"Come on Chelsey lets go" Beau says taking Chelsey's hand and going downstairs glaring at me.
"Ooh scared now?" I shout getting mad.
"Just fuck off and dont speak to us" Chelsey says.
"Yeah just don't get involved with us" beau says quietly but angrily.
Fuck! Why do people say that they are their OTP when they act like this.
I never liked Chelsey and beau being together, I think she's changed him.
I walk downstairs and into the living room and sit beside James.
Everyone stares at me, and then at beau and Chelsey who are being all "romantic".
"What happened?" Daniel says breaking the silence.

I just shrugged while beau and Chelsey told the whole story. It was true! Surprisingly.
"Is this true?" Lola asks.
i nod my head and everyone looks disappointed at me.
"I told you to ignore her" lucy says with an angry expression on her face that I've never seen before.
"just because I don't like Chelsey and I'm not trusting beys anymore, doesn't mean we can be friends! Eh?" I say smiling slightly.
Everyone looks at me.
"No Amelia no. I love everyone here and if your going to ruin it then I don't see the point in you hating Chelsey. that makes no sense but I wish I could tell you how I feel right now but it's so hard to get all my feelings out without thinking about it for ages. Don't you see how much hate Chelsey has been getting? Your only making it worse for everything and everyone" lola says.
i just nod.
"but we're still friends" she says smiling.
I just smile back but inside I'm like BSUSUSFWJWBAIA.
she goes over to chelsey. Typical!!
Lola's POV
I go over to Chelsey and give her the biggest hug ever.
"Thanks lola" she says.
"Anything for my best friend" I tell her and beau because he's listening in.
I go over to Jai and hug him.
"Thanks for not causing any drama" he whispers.
"I'm a peace maker" I tell him.
"Gimme a kiss cutie" he says kissing me anyway, making me blush. He's the only person in the world who can make me blush.

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