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Lola's POV
I put on my unicorn onsie and so did Amelia. unicorn onsie twinsies!
me and skip bring the bag of sweets that we bought at the service station.
"Come give Jai a hug," Jai says.
I walk over and hug him.
"Is my baby okay?" He asks me kissing my neck.
i just kiss back not giving a shit about the others.
"Seriously again?" Amelia says jumping between us breaking the kiss.
"Moveeee," I whine trying to shove Amelia away but she wouldn't budge.
"Just move for fucks sake," Jai says pushing Amelia on the floor.
"Oreo?" I ask.
he nods his head so I feed him it.
Jai gives me a kiss on the neck moving his lips up to my cheek and then to my lips.
"Too much PDA!" Amelia shouts.
I stick my middle finger up at her and continue to kiss Jai.
We stop kissing.
"Tell me the meaning behind your tattoos," I ask jai.
He starts talking to me about his tattoos.
"I used to HATE tattoos and when you got them I loved tattoos on other people especially you," I say kissing his nose.
Amelia's POV
Lola and Jai were cute don't get me wrong but they showed to much PDA.
Me and Luke had our PDA moments but not as much as Jola.
We're half way through mean girls when I look over at lola and Jai and they are kissing. what a surprise! Not.
Me and Luke then decide to start kissing because we felt like it and mainly to show lola and Jai who is boss.
He starts by kissing me on the cheeks and then the neck leaving slobbery kisses down my neck and face.
"I love you luke," i say, giving Luke perfect time to put his tongue in my mouth.
We fight for dominance and Luke wins giving him a chance to explore my mouth.
I look over and see lola asleep on Jai's chest snoring loudly, which was really funny and Jai asleep snoring slightly.Her hair was covering his face and they were breathing at the same time.

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