Someone's pissed

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Amelia's POV
It was our first full day here and me, lola and the twins were going to take hamlet for a walk in the woods.
I put on some grey track suit bottoms, a tshirt and a raincoat.
"Let's go," I say to Jai, lola and Luke.
"Hamlet" lola calls.
Hamlet comes wandering up to lola and looks excited and ready to go.
"Byeeeeeeeeeee," Jai calls to the others.
Luke shuts the door and we head out.
"Let's try and find a river," I say.
"Okay," luke says.
"I need to speak to Jai so lola go and talk to Luke," I say taking Lola's hand out of Ja's hand and pushing her towards luke.
"Hey luke" I hear her say.
"So when we get to the river, you push luke in and I will push lola in," I whisper to Jai.
"That's a good idea," he says.
We walk for around 10 minutes when we see a river. Hamlet jumps in and me and Jai exchange glances.
"Surprise," we both shout pushing them in, both of them getting soaked.
Me and Jai start laughing hysterically and Lola comes out of the water.
"Hey baby, are you okay?" Jai asks trying not to laugh.
She just gives him the evils and goes and helps Luke.
"Come on Luke," I hear her say.
Lola's POV
"Come on Luke," I say helping Luke up from the water.
"Silent treatment?" He says.
I agree laughing.
"Come on Hamlet, let's get away from them," I say picking up Hamlet.
Me and Luke walk back to the cabin and go inside.

*I know this is a short update but tonight will be the drama one 💥💥💥

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