Moods and Park

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Amelias POV
It has been a few days since the boys were over at me and Lola's house but we were better than before. obviously still having a snotty nose.
I wore some grey joggers and a white crop top.
Lola was wearing her black leggings, her emoji crop top and a grey dirty pig jumper over the top.
"Let's go over to the brooks brothers house," she says grabbing her phone. "remember the keys," she adds.
I grab the keys and my phone and lock the door behind me.
"Hurry up lazybones," lola shouts running back and grabbing my arm and dragging me to their house.
"I'm coming," I say back pissed.
"Someone's not in a happy mood," she says in an annoying tone.
"Shut up," I say moodily.
She woke me up at 8:30am this morning like da fuck Lola,thats not normal for me.
Lola's POV
I knock on the door and Gina answers.
"Hello lola," she smiles hugging me.
"Hey Gina, where's Jai?" I ask as she pulls away from the hug.
"Upstairs in his room," she tells me.
"Thank you," I say politely.
I take of my Nike pink shoes and head upstairs into Jai and Luke's room.
I knock in the door to be met by Luke.
"Jai's in a mood," he replies sulkily.
"Amelia's not happy about me waking her up at 8:30am," I say.
"Okay bye," he replies racing downstairs to meet Amelia.
"Jai," I call walking in.
"What?" He replies moodily.
"Can I come up and talk to you?" I ask.
"No," he states simply. I'm
"Why not?" I ask.
"Don't want to talk," he says in a pissed off tone.
"I need to know what's bothering you because I care," I say.
He doesn't reply so I walk out and to the park.
Jai's POV
I'm pissed off at life but I'm confused and that's making me more pissed off. if you get what I mean?
Luke and Beau have been teasing me and my laptop keeps crashing and I'm just pissed at everything.
I told Luke and lola to go away and now I don't know where Lola is. She could get kidnapped again by teddy! Shit! I need to go find her.
I put on some grey joggers and a dirty pig tshirt.
I ran out of the house and down my street because I knew she wouldn't be in her own house which is beside mine.
Where would she be? I checked at the outdoor swimming pool. she wasn't there. I looked everywhere for her but I couldn't find her.
THE PARK! I haven't checked there yet. I ran to the park getting wtf looks from random people but I didn't care I was looking for my girlfriend. Well I hope she still is.
I saw her sitting on the bench on her phone, her hair covering her face.
"Lola," i called getting nearer.
Her head shot up and she looked around seeing me standing beside her.
"What is it?" Her tone cold.
"I want to explain," I say calmly.
"Explain then," she says patting the space beside her.
"I have been pissed off at everything the last few days, my life, my family, and many many more." I say now crying. I wipe the tears away trying to be strong, but Lola takes my hands and pulls them away from my face.
"I don't care about you crying because of this,i have had days like yours and it honestly makes you so confused and shit but if you stay strong it will pass in time, I am your fucking girlfriend I don't care if you cry in front of me because I do it to you all the time," she says quickly kissing me at the end.
"Let's get home," she says giving me her jumper.

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