Plane crash and Arianators- part1

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Jais POV
Lola went home after I had calmed down from my mood. I decided to check my Twitter because I didn't have lola to comfort me. There was a recent DM from these arianators.
It was all hate that was directed at me!
Fuck you all I commented but I got angry,pissed and actually really sad. Ariana's fans were bitches! Just like her.
I threw my phone and it cracked the screen.
"I'm going out tonight," I say to Beau.
"Okk have fun!" He says.
Lola's POV
I went back to the brooks brothers house to collect my jumper that I had forgotten.
I knocked on the door and waited until beau answered the door with Chelsey beside him.
"Hey I'm going to the twins room to pick up my jumper that I forgot," I say sliding past them.
"Okkk," beau says.
I knock on the twins room to find out that no one was in.
I called Jai but his phone was ringing on the floor.
I picked it up and it was cracked all over with a Twitter dm from some arianators. I screenshoted it and sent it to me to examine closer without cutting my fingers.
The dm was from 5 arianators who had sent hate to Jai.
He had replied fuck you all and that's when he must of went out!
Amelia's POV
I was just about to choose a comedy on Lola's Netflix when I heard the news.
"A family that consisted of Julie Penfold, Jane, and two others called Jade and Lisa have been taken to Melbourne hospital after being in a plane crash 10 minutes before they landed, they are the only ones known to be alive right now, thank you I'm Pamela Pearce and that's the latest news," the news reporter said.
My mum, Auntie Jane, and my two cousins called Jade and Lisa have been in a plane crash and they are in Melbourne hospital! I was trying to process it all in my head when I heard lola coming upstairs.
"Lola-," I start before she interrupts me.
"Jai's missing again after some arianators," she says nearly crying.
"Bu-," I start.
"What's there to be butting about? It's all about you when Jai is missing isn't it," lola says running out the door to find Jai with the others.
I wasn't going with them! I was going to Melbourne hospital to see my family.

Is this love real??Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora